I'll probably romance the character I like best, currently winning is a beautiful lisbian relationship with Piper (I plan on playing a female character).
I'll probably romance the character I like best, currently winning is a beautiful lisbian relationship with Piper (I plan on playing a female character).
See what BOX MAAAN said; I'd like to add that I'm willing to sacrifice a little bit of realism in this case in order to maximize player choice. Maybe that's not a great trade-off for everyone, but I'd rather it be this way that have just 2 or 3 to choose from depending on your orientation.
If any of them gals have the sass of Whiskey Rose from FO3: NV, it`s a possibilty
I wouldn't want to get too tied up right away as there may be other opportunities for horizontal recreation with people like Sarah Weintraub or Red Lucy in NV, maybe even some prosttutes. Course NV had all of this and not FO3 (Bethesda's game) so no telling if options like that will be in FO4. Since Skyrim didn't it seems unlikely. Bethesda is apparently scared to death of six.
But after that's been tapped out I'll work on upping the companionship levels and then seen who I want to stay tied down with and stay true.
I always find it funny when people feel the need to declare that they have a romance in real life, so they don't need to pursue one in games... (something I've see quite a bit of in this thread, so I I'm not going to bother quoting them all). I really don't see what the one thing has to do with the other.
I've been with my boyfriend for nearly five tears. But I enjoy having my character romance other characters in games, because I think it adds a neat layer to their story. Hell, my boyfriend does too. We even talk about it and 'judge' each others choices . (Yeah, we're nerds like that.) And I used to frequent the Bioware forums a lot leading up to Dragon Age Inquisition's release and the romance discussions were full of people in real-life relationships and marriages and such. Just wanted to point out that the notion that only lonely single people need in-game romances to fill some sort of void left by real life is totally wrong.
Might romance a woman if I find one I like enough. Could have a situation like Dragon Age Inquisition where I didn't find any of the romances likable enough and remained single.
Gaming is about escapism, let the potential Mrs Timmah see how you can put it about in the game and make her grateful for being the one that has bagged you in real life.
It depend of how good characters are written.
If they are good then I'll probable stick with one of them, if they are just placeholders for romance #4359 (which seems to be the case as they don't even have any sixual preference. ALL of them...) then I'll probably romance all of them for the fun then don't care at all.
I'll romance as many ladies as I can just to see all the dialogue. I am not romancing dudes so don't care if I miss their content.
Hopefully having a fully voiced protagonist this time around will add some depth and feeling to potential romances. It's worked out pretty well for BioWare games, which are basically really complex dating sims, and Bethesda has to have noticed what things work and don't work for games in regards to romance.
I'm not expecting much from Bethesda with romance. While violence will be rated at PEGI-18, the sixuality will be rated at PEGI-12. Culture is probably to blame for that.
I've not laughed that hard in a while
I'm personally expecting the romancing of characters to crash and burn, I personally think that good romancable companions are beyond Bethesda.
I'll gladly dine on some humble pie if I'm wrong, but they represent everything bethesda does execrably.From their writing, facial animations (they still look off on piper and the SS), quests that engender any genuine emotional response and providing the player with a substantive threshold they must overcome (Salts equal marriage in Skyrim).
Hope I'm wrong, but I probably won't be.
Man, we should start a punk band and name ourselves "Pixelized prosttutes"!
Didn't think about that. I guess you are trying to avoid a "Walking Dead" triangle.
You can't call it Bianca though, a crossbow has reserved that name.