To summerize this thread for those who are just tuning in.
The OP (original poster) claims that in seeing 10 gameplay videos there was zero Aim Down Sights. He is swiftly proven to be completely wrong with gameplay footage, besides the fact there are not even 10 different gameplay videos.
The OP then changes his stance. Now he assumes that every single weapon that has not explicitly been demonstrated in gameplay footage to have Aim Down Sight, does not have Aim Down Sight. Confirmation that a weapon does have mods for iron sights are not accepted as proof, only gameplay footage showing the weapon with Aim Down Sight is accepted.
Since the OP has given no evidence at all that a large portion of firearms will only be scope or hip-fire, my personal conclusion is that the OP has an irrational fear that a lot of firearms will just be hip-fired and is looking for absolute confirmation that this is not the case so he can put these fears to rest.