I've been out of touch with developments, so, this might not be a new idea.
Also, the game is gold, done, so, no new ideas presented here will be picked up by devs, but, there's always ideas for modding.
Apologies if something like this has already been discussed.
Since I've been out of touch, I'm unsure if there's been any new developments in news regarding transportation, and fast travel.
There's the vertibirds, yes, and there might be more clarification on how that means of travel will be employed, but, I'm unaware of it.
For ground travel, however, if this idea hasn't come up, there's certainly folks who might want to drive around in their own cars wherever they want, turning the Boston Wasteland into their own personal version of Mad Max.
That's fine. If there are not those kinds of vehicles already in the game, then, someone will probably mod them.
Alternative to all that, however, is something that could be a bit of a fusion of the old Fallout 2 car, and the Skyrim wagon, where a player character might find an old Robco self-driving robotic Taxi, and maybe even go on a miniquest to repair it.
I don't think Robco self-driving robotic Taxis are part of the Fallout lore, but, there you go. (at least gimme name credit somewhere if anyone uses it)
After repairing the taxi, it could serve as a similar (prone to random event interrupts) fast travel as was done in Fallout 2 where it takes a Player Character to fixed (known, already found) outside locations on the game map.
As a self-driving robotic Taxi, it could be styled in obnoxious yellow with the classic checkered pattern, and, it frees up the Player Character to take in the scenery, or even shoot at creatures in the wasteland.
It could provide extra travelling storage for items a Player Character doesn't want to keep on their person, but, still wants to keep close by, and, the new perk system might be leveraged to allow the Player Character to upgrade/modify the Taxi with roof top ring mount for a fixed swivel minigun similar the one on the vertibird, and perhaps other modifications like extra storage, fuel efficiency, dashboard accommodation for bobble heads (that really bobble during bumpy travel! ) and other fun accessories like window tint, rims, chrome grill and bumper options, better suspension, perhaps even a half-track, full-track conversion, or even hover thrusters scavenged from Mr. Gutsys and Mr. Handys for the ultimate in smooth rides.
Anyway, it's something to think about and toy with as an idea for an alternative to *poof* fast travel, or vertibird travel.
I think it'd be fun, and a little annoying, but fun-annoying if a vehicle fast travel were a faster travel option than walking fast-travel, but slower than vertibird travel, and because it's ground travel it can be interrupted, and ambushed, similar to the way travel was interrupted for random encounters in Fallout 2.
If no one else picks it up, I might try modding it way off in some abstract maybe future if I remember.
Apologies if something like this has already been proposed and discussed.