1 little 2 little 3 liittle raiders.

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:28 pm

Bravery? Sometimes against overwhelming odds you just got to go for it. If your starving, dehydrated and need a fix you might as well attack in the hope of surviving because the alternative is to slink back to the waste and die a slow [censored] death.

That said I hope the AI was staged for the video just so they can show a horde of raiders attacking and the PC blowing the [censored] out of them with their end game defenses.

Would be nice if local leader helps in how your AI defends. Without it your settlers fire early and with no accuracy and the raiders adjust. But with it, they hold till they can see the whites of the raiders eyes and the raiders have no chance to counter attack and are mowed down.

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:17 pm

Seems like a big resource investment to start netting returns. More so if we have to micro-manage them too much to early on.

Can't wait to get building, but I suspect the resources are gonna be pretty valuable at start up.

I'm sure that won't stop me from burning em up trying at the first valid build-site I encounter however lol.

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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:46 am

The first build site is right at the start of the game where your old house was confirmed by Bethesda themselves.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:18 am

No, Raiders should not be organized nor should they pause to reconsider attacking a well-defended location. On the contrary, Raiders are completely out of their mind on drugs. Just like Super Mutants, Raiders think that any sort of "avoidance" of danger is weakness. Stealth and/or tactics are not something that are in a Raider's dictionary. To Raiders, a larger, well-defended settlement says "look at all the loot here - come and get it and show everyone how tough you are taking it from the locals!"

Raiders in FO3 flee if they are seriously wounded in order to avoid dying, including screaming exactly that as they run away. People are asking for something that is already there in a logical way but it cannot be something that takes place before an attack or even as an attack is beginning, only when any specific Raider is seriously wounded and near death. Raiders are not thinking much of anything at all except "let's torture and mutilate everyone, take anything we want, and have lots of fun doing it." A Raider's response to one of their clan being killed is "svcks to be him/her" with no caring or compassion whatsoever. One less person to split the spoils with and feed, water, etc. The terminal entry in FO3's Springvale School sums up a Raider's "thinking" pretty well.

BOS? sure, they'll think, use tactics and strategy, etc. Synths? Of course, except if they have endless numbers being made (anologous to how insects do not care for the individual as long as the survival of the group is assured).

The last thing wanted is for Raiders to start thinking deeply about how to attack, tactics to use, strategic ambushes or retreats, etc. It would be totally unrealistic and out of character for them to do that type of thinking.

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Gemma Archer
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:17 pm

I'm just waiting for the moment in settlement advancement where you start attracting deathclaws and they kill everyone without mercy - screw Fallout Shelter haha.

And if we were talking about logic here, raiders wouldn't run in through the gauntlet before attacking, they would be nesting on high spots to snipe people inside the settlement, and assaulting from an vantage point they can with guns and artillery and grenades. But logic be damned, not happening, and that would be frustrating anyway.

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Milad Hajipour
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