I play very few games, but the ones I do play, I play a lot. Fallout 3 has managed to stay in my collection and be played over and over for the last 7 years. I enjoyed NV, but not as much as 3. Yes, the story telling of NV made more logical sense than 3, and was more interesting to me, but 3 was easier to play. I enjoy a challenge, but not to the point of stressing me out. I am not a good gamer by any means, so what many find simple I tend to find fit me just right.
Witcher 3 didn't work for me. I hated the cutscenes. I often play at night after my wife goes to bed, and therefore keep the volume low. With the volume down, having the ability to read the dialog and click through it is an advantage as it saves time and is less obtrusive to my wife's sleep. I am a little hard of hearing, so to hear dialog means I need the TV to be turned up. This worries me about Fallout 4 and the voiced protagonist. I solved part of this by buying a new TV and moving to the basemant to play, but I still hope to be able to sink into the world of Fallout with a strange (not my own) voice coming from my player character. So this part of the game has me reserving judgement, and lowered my expectations a little.
The shooting mechanics. I learned to work around Fallout 3, and they don't bother me much. I am hopeful that 4 has not turned into a twitch reflex FPS as I tend again not to do well with those types of games. I take my time, yet hate turn based combat for the most part. I loved turned based combat in Panzer General on PS2 way back when, even though I svcked at the game, but in general real time combat. Fallout 3 with VATS allowed me to do both, and I loved it for that. I am hopeful 4 will too.
Storywise I think it will be fine, I just hope to God that they don't have a plot twist that makes us an android. I don't need epic novel depth storytelling. Just give me things to do that make sense for what I think my character might do.
While I am a little reserved, and a little nervous it won't live up to what I have built up for 7 years, I am nonetheless giddy with expectation and feel like a little kid again before Christmas. I count the days, tell friends, took time off work, moved a mini fridge next to my gaming chair in the basemant, and will be stocking up on snack food supplies for midnight on the 9th in preparation. Since I am almost positive I will be so engrossed in the game from that point on, I am using the game as a crutch to quit smoking as I hope I will be so engrossed and distracted that I won't even have a chance to think about going outside for a smoke. Just in case I do crack and give in to a smoke, the door to outside is right behind my chair and I can keep playing while I smoking. Hmmm, maybe I should move the chair......