The first people to score a copy of Fallout 4 is a company named "Turdgaming".
Just let that sink in a moment.
Looks like they scored a shirt, a keychain, and a bobblehead as well. Nice.
The first people to score a copy of Fallout 4 is a company named "Turdgaming".
Just let that sink in a moment.
Looks like they scored a shirt, a keychain, and a bobblehead as well. Nice.
Nice to see that they are in the wild.
(watch out for spoilers...)
Quick someone start a gaming website and hire me as a reviewer.
Seriously though, that keychain and bobblehead are fantastic gifts.
That says everything about what I think about gaming journalism on the internet these days.
TurdGaming... where every article is full of [censored]
Thanks for the link OP.
That's the first time one of your posts made me lol!!!
man i have the feeling spoiler will going to star showing soon.
Damn had hoped it would be a fallout 4 pipboy edition.
Yeah, it was. I wanted a better look at the keychain and the shirt....if that was even a shirt.
Vibrating with hype so intensely that I'm resonating with another dimension.
Also TurdGaming, seriously?
I didn't see a map, but there was a package he didn't open that looked like stickers and something else under the stickers that could have been a map.
Cool. That wasn't a shirt, by the way, it was a beanie.