I feel like homerun may refer to knocking someone's head off with a melee weapon, but that's my best guess.
it would be nice, if there was a kind of mini game, like the cards game from NV.
A bit relaxtation from the wastes
Homerun is likely part of the melee ranks and touchdown probably has something to do with grenades
What if two of the many mini games mentioned at E3 for the pip-boy are baseball and American football?
That would spiking the ball after a touchdown. Once the ball crosses the goal line it's a touchdown but they don't have to slam the ball.
Homerun most certainly has to do with knocking somebody's head off.. but maybe you have to do it in the stadium at home plate and actually hit it into the bleachers
My best guess is that Homerun! involves knocking a certain number of enemies' heads off with the Big Leaguer perk, and Touchdown has something to do with charging into enemies and knocking them down with the Juggernaut perk.
Nah, they're obviously achievements for "romancing" an npc.