I've been searching the internet for any and all information regarding the upcoming title "Fallout 4", and it's appearing clearly to me that this game has a very high chance of being awesome.
Now, what does this mean? Well, as a gamer, you most likely will enjoy your time playing "Fallout 4", and you may even experience bouts of joy and/or excitement during game play. Outside of game play, a gamer may find themselves discussing "Fallout 4" with other people who may or may not actually be interested, but there's a high chance the gamer in question will not care.
It's even possible the gamer will experience dreams themed on "Fallout 4", and may even view common objects in the real world to have more value than they actually do; such as bottlecaps.
Also, you may start to want a German Sheppard as a pet.
Just wanted to give everyone a head's up.