I dont think its something that even has to be done with mods. They could add it in their own update. They said they plan to add new features through updates, I figure theyd want to put those out before the Mods start coming out.
Can we stop calling it hardcoe. Needing food and drink is not and has never been hardcoe.
Did needing food and drink in NV make the game more difficult in anyway shape or form? no it did not the same applies to mods that add those features to Fallout 3, Oblivion, Skyrim and I'm guessing Morrowind but I don't have that one. What made hardcoe mod in NV hardcoe was stim packs healing overtime and to a lesser degree ammo weight. (and whats been released so far indicates stimpacks will heal over time by default)
Call it what the mods that added them in other games called it. "Basic Needs"
I think all the big "survival" or "realism" mods in Skyrim required ScriptExtender. Consoles will not get ScriptExtender.
So we'll have to see if it's possible, and if it is if someone bothers to do it, and if they do it will certainly be much more simplistic.
It was called hardcoe in New Vegas. So people call it hardcoe because everyone knows what is being talked about.
Stop trying to redefine words just because you disagree with them, it is only going to lead to confusion.
Why don't you also start playing Fallout 4 now by roleplaying it? (Sorry for the sarcasm but this kind of answer begs for it...)
This. Very limited.
Also... ahem... something cough... leaked... check youtube.. cough
Modding in basic needs does not need to use SKSE functions. It's as simple as to use a global counter in combination with a OnSingleUpdateGameTime() event.
Before banging on endlessly about 'hardcoe' mode,
would it not be worthwhile to try playing Survival mode first?
They are 2 completely different things. The mode we call "hardcoe" is more about survival and basic needs while the mode they call survival and is already in the game has nothing to do with these. It's just another scale of difficulty, so...
Forgive my ignorance, but I'd imagine a very basics Needs mod would need:
A hand full of variables
A timer
A few custom perks
Modification of scripts when consuming foods/resting.
Modification of food descriptors/Properties
A trigger to display status of your needs in notification text (a bind-able item perhaps)
Can't see any of that requiring a script extender. Where I imagine you'd start needing more advanced scripting is when you start to deal with custom GUI objects. Where I think most of the current Needs mods require script extenders are because they use things like MCM for configuration, and MCM requires script extenders.
*shrug* or maybe I'm way out on left field on this one..
Yep, it seems that survival mode is just a very very hard mode where the main difference besides damage given and received is that it increases the spawn rate of legendary enemies who are more challenging but can also drop better loot.
A very, very basic needs mod probably yes. SKSE opens up many new possibilities though... GUI objects is the least. The vanilla events, values etc that you could use in scripts were very limited. With SKSE there are many new possibilities and without it 90% of the popular gameplay related mods now on nexus wouldn't exist.