Mod(SPOILERS AND SPOILERS) Iatrogenesis Society

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:21 am

First off, Can we have a Freaking mod Forum now? thanks!

Secondly...let me get this out of the way.... about the leaks....

there is a sign that I don't think the guy recording gave a second thought to.

that one sign blew up almost all of the work I had been doing on sketching out a "where should the stuff in my mod go " an early version of that map is here

(this is a map that I had made a while back and has no spoilers related to fallout 4 on it, apart from trying to plan out roughly where I thought some things should go in the mod, and where I thought some things would be)

This is actually a good thing, because if I had never seen that sign and found out in game, well lets just say that that probably saved me about a week of re-working.....and some of my hair.

That said on with bits about the mod...

I'm fully tempted to add in an NPC near that sign who is basically there thanking the sign and the person whose NDA violation saved me a couple of days headache. Now I need to find the name of the person who originally posted the video.... or better yet, move my starting point to that sign

as for the name...

Bascialy my idea is a sub faction whos "Well intentioned" ideology that uses its "Goal" of improving the human race to justify the means of improveing the Human race, but far more accurately, their way of life.


Ironically that Spoiler play also let me know that what I thought was a good idea at the time (a "peperbox" wrist breaker that fires a semi random number of 410 shot (I thought up to 20 in a voley, bascialy 1-10 + luck score) each reload as a "last ditch" melee range "Ranged weapon", may be a bad idea.(Seriously bad) so im going to be looking into really limiting it.(note this was going to be a progressive weapon)

Further reading:

Medical Nemesis:the Expropriation of health by Ivan Illich

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krystal sowten
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:55 pm

..... wat

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james reed
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:48 am

Seems like the OP has a mod idea they're calling "Iatrogenesis" which is going to add some sort of faction. It's hard to take that away with all the comments about leaked information in their post.

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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:53 am

Yeah I have no idea what the OP is talking about

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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:49 pm

Basically I am grumbling a bit about finding out that I need to re-plan my mod.

Basicaly the problem is that from what I could tell the map in the pip boy seems to have been taken from a different survey map than what I was using,(Personal copy of 1956 USGS archive Terrain maps, I stopped using the Google map for reference a bit ago) this tends to shift things around a bit if that is the case.

Also, the sign I'm referring to, unless it was relocated post war from where it was in the real world for reasons unknown indicates that they took some liberty's with the locations in and around Boston, (not too surprising really, they kind of did the same with Fallout 3s map) However it seems like they may have relocated something fairly large to a location I was hoping would be open, kind of like hoping you could put a "Goodsprings" sized settlement at a location, only to find No vac and the road to Repcon plopped into the middle of it.

the Gun I was referring to that I wanted to put together for the mod is a somewhat random EXTREMELY short effective range pepper-gun of the kind that is not only Literally one shot, but literally you would only pull it out in a "If I don't pull the trigger I will die so here goes nothing. . . " situation. but given what I have seen so far its either going to be ridiculously overpowered or totally useless so... rethink time on that.*

*don't worry I do want to put a gun that announces to the world that SOMEONE is going to die. It may be me! It may be You! It may be Both of us! But Someones dying soon!, I just want to grantee the "Someone will die" bit.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:15 pm

ok good news bad news repeting time from what I am looking at,

good news is I should be able to do the base quest line and SOME side quests in a format that works for console.

The bad news is that some things I'm wanting to do look like they are going to need scripts and animations that don't seem to be part of their library(unless i'm just totally missing them which is possible) but are in doable in/with a FO4SE. those will end up on Nexus/steam, in some cases no big deal because I can just make a Basic version that can go on Console with unopenable doors/NPC only elevators and a more complete version on N/S.

For now I am going to focus on writing out more of main quest I'm working on because they seem to allow for a bit more complexity than I had originally hoped.

The other good news is that now that I have an game map I can use I can better see where I can put things.

Bad news,

there is a FREAKING RADIOACTIVE HELLHOLE where I was planing to put part the quest objectivs.
so yes rethink time.

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