.. yeah, nov 2016 would be better ..
So they get enough time to solve all the inevitable bugs it will take the community at least five years to squish ( if we are lucky enough to have a team doing such a dedicated project .. again ), and up the rep of bugthesda
Hope they also set the code optimisation switch at compile time
Hope the mesh riggers have set all the associated data correctly
Hope we dont need another Sheson memory fix
Hope all the textures dont have layers they do not need for the job they do
Hope there are not a thousand and one placement issues
Hope there are not a thousand and one issues with scripts
etc etc
Ooh and hope we dont have a bunch of stupid people wanting fame for being the first to do x ..
.. using tools not suitable for the job. How to do fallout community shoots itself in the foot and nobody can trust mods thereafter
top job guys .