Don't know if people are still looking for them, but Amazon France has Pip-boy editions back on sale for Xbox and PS4 (the regular 129,99€ price, not scammers reselling them).
Don't know if people are still looking for them, but Amazon France has Pip-boy editions back on sale for Xbox and PS4 (the regular 129,99€ price, not scammers reselling them).
And PC version is back now too, same price, 129,99€.
... and... PC gone again. That was fast. Still Xbox and PS4.
Ok, got my pipboy today, and it is simply A W E S O M E ! Damn I love it.
But, didn't come to annoy those who didn't get any, but instead to share that found two places where they are still selling them :
- XBOX on Amazon france (packaging expected to be in French)
- XBOX, PS4 and PC (!) on bol dot com (130€ apiece, free one day delivery in Belgium / Netherlands - so awesome) (packaging in Dutch, game in English)