*Spoilers* The PC and his indoor voice

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:45 am

So I just finished watching some of the leaked gameplay footage. Obviously I will never say where I found it, but one of my major fears have been put to rest with the Sole Survivor and his voice: He doesn't blab a whole bunch outside of dialogue!

I was afraid that when in combat he'd be throwing off one liners or taunting a whole bunch. But no, aside from a "got it!" when he hacked a terminal, he was completely silent while working his way through a combat scenario. This is great since I always imagine what my character would be thinking or maybe saying under his breath while in a life or death scenario like this that is so common in the wastes, and this allows me to add flavour to the roleplay in the exact same manner as I did before this voiced stuff happened.

Good work Bethesda, one of the small doubts in the back of my mind has been put to rest. Has anyone else here had the same doubt? Or maybe was hoping for the exact opposite direction, and having a more talkative PC to add more character to the game?

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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:26 am

Curious to see how it really plays out but it'll be one of the first things modded out for those that don't want to play with a voiced PC

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:35 pm

Didn't even think of that.
Though, I hope there is a mod that takes pieces from voiced scripts and uses them as exclamations. Linked to intelligence, at 1 INT your PC, upon blowing a head off, says "HAHA stupid!"

At 5, it would be like "Your head... some assembly required."

At 10... science jargon?
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:32 pm

Good to hear.. or not in this case. :D

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Sasha Brown
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