uhhhhh I doubt many of us are gonna be watching people play fallout 4 as most of us will probably be doing the same. still blows my mind people do that but whatever sinks your ship
well the info is correct about power armour needing fusion cores to run at all maybe a power armour big guns/melee build? having to try find power sources to keep going?
i never see anyone use those guns in live streams/videos too point that i think BGS only puts them in so make sure people can't call them out on it .
judge buy this fourm its like 80% snipers 20% other things like full autos and shotguns lol
The only problem with a pure big guns build is that a) there is little variety in those weapons and there is little utility in those weapons. For these reasons it is hard to justify a big guns only playthough. Big guns generally (or at least in previous games was the Minigun) was close ranged high dps weapons, it lacked instruments that could be used at range, or in certain situations. A rifleman or commando build (automatics or semi automatics) could be used in more situations with greater efficiency. The only previous long range option for big guns was rocket launcher. Which isn't really practical in a lot of situations. Also the rocket launcher is expensive and in previous games harder to maintain. This was the biggest barrier to big guns in previous games. Hopefully there are a lager variety of 'big guns' types weapons in Fallout 4, eg the additions of say a couple of types of machineguns, flamethrowers, or maybe high damage longer range anti-tank rifle-esque weapons to give variety to the big guns category.
I had an idea for a build a couple of months ago that might be pretty cool to see in action. You could make a sort of James Bond-esque character that fights with a silenced pistol, sneaks around, womanizes, drinks, and rocks an armored tuxedo.
which is exactly why i pitched the idea im fully aware of there shortcomings since most my playthroughs use those impractical weapons
i was hoping people other than me and few others would at least try them they can be alot of fun even if they "svck".
especially know that weapon condition is no longer a factor in the game could be fun
When you were growing up (or even presently) didn't you ever sit and watch your siblings or friends play games?? (or they watched you.)
I know it's a common thing most families and friends do... Gather around the TV and watch your friend beat a game, and having fun even though you're not the one playing.
It's the same thing with streamers. A shared experience.
Also, it's the same reason people like watching someone else play hockey or football on TV, or skateboarding etc.
You also answered your own question in your other post It's a great way to watch gameplay before you buy the game yourself, and if you really like the personality of the streamer you can get drawn in and spend an hour watching.
The most entertaining would probably be using a character type that not a lot of other players will try to use their first time through the game.. Like a pacifist type character playing on survival difficulty... build a charismatic/intelligent character and let your companions do the killing. (have no idea if that character is viable but just the fact that you would try it might grab some viewers.)
Im going to stream. Some people want to see the game before they buy it. My friends will probably watch me live stream on twitch.
I would highly recommend doing a low intelligence and high luck character, it would be hilarious to see all of the conversations from having a low intelligence and then the luck 5 perk Idiot Savant could make up for the lower xp yield by randomly giving you triple xp for stuff. It would keep things interesting.
Plus...just look at the other luck perks, there's some interesting stuff that can happen such as with the luck 10 perk ricochet which randomly causes an enemy's shot to ricochet back and kill them instantly...sounds fun haha.
Try a Junk Jet run. load the wackiest things you can into that svcker and let fly. Everyone is a target.
I would say
9 1 9 1 1 1 6
you punch things. your very good at it.
Lots of capacity for loot....
Idiot Savant probably should be taken every time posible.
Melee and Explosion.
You want as much chaos and body parts flying around as possible.
That would be boring AF to watch but hey I don't watch streams anyway so maybe people like that stuff.
People watch streams instead of television really. If you're eating or doing homework or something, it's better than looking at the back of a cereal box. If you just got off work at 6 am and are having a cocktail before bed and are too tired to play. Watch some Bloodborne PvP or some goofy Fallout 4 stuff.
Interesting build maybe a dumb (1) luck(9) charismatic(9) melee(7?) cannibal.
Yes! I've made this preliminary build for my second character, as my first one will be a fairly standard 'all round' gunman.
Some people mentioned bobbleheads giving stats again in this game, the numbers in parenthesis are the ideal end-game stats for the perks I need.
S – 6 (7)
P – 5 (6)
E – 9 (10)
C – 4 (5)
I – 1 (2)
A – 2 (3)
L – 1 (2)
This guy is tough as a brick and just as smart, though he can mix stuff together to go BOOM before cleaning up with his scary melee weapons. Simple guns and big guns will be used when necessary.
Perks of note are Creature of the Night and Solar Powered, changing his stats quite a bit from day to night.