I think that just means that you won't have those bizarre conversation loops anymore. You really don't need to accidentally ask about something your companion has already told you 42 times.
I honestly can't see Bethesda forcing you to have one companion per build.
Think of it as Mass Effect style dialogue. All that means is that once you have a conversation, you won't be having it again. That obviously doesn't cut you off from picking up different companions and sending some home (or wherever they go) and picking them up again.
I guess all we really don't know is where do they go when you dismiss them? I'm thinking you'd just send them to a settlement area but what if you don't have a settlement or a home? As we've seen in past games.. companions often go back to where you first picked them up.
In this case I wonder if it means you'll never get to hear the other options. Suppose I want to say YES, but would love to also hear what MAYBE would have done or NO. Can't repeat the conversation then you'll just never know. Either reload every conversation or save it for the next play through.
This kind of bothers me as well. I foresee a lot of quick-saving before and during conversations. (One of the leaked videos indicates that you can save during a conversation.)
Last leak i saw, yeah u can switch companions.
Yah, me too. While it WAS tedious to have NPCs repeat dialog you'd already seen as if they had not ~just~ told you, the alternative appears to be quicksaving before every conversation. Which means a lot of saving and loading and then trying to remember which option you actually ended up going forward with.... I suppose the intent is that you pick one and "live with it".... which would be fine if we ~knew~ what, and how, we were going to say.... with the short prompts we seem to be getting, I imagine at least ~some~ of the time the PC will say things I did not intend ----- or say them in a way I did not intend ---- and I'll have to reload and try again.
I wonder if a mod (down the road) could somehow look into the full dialog in the code and somehow display the full text of the dialog in a box in the corner of the screen, or something.... I fear, though, that there may be long conversations that would be impractical to squeeze into a box on-screen. Especially if the box had to display ~all~ the options' full text. Of course the "solution" could be as unnerving as having very few blatantly obvious choices....
Like, if every conversation boiled down to:
I agree with you and I am nice about it
I am insulting and belligerent but I agree
I disagre politely
I insult you and disagree
I mock you
Generic more information prompt
With only three or four dialog choices, though, a lot of conversations could boil down to "Yes, No, Tell Me More" with no real good or bad or funny inflections at all.
Perhaps if you ever pick a hostile / snarky line, subsequent lines will draw from the snarky pool of replies? If you choose a nice polite reply then subsequent dialog is pulled from the polite, nice versions? Would prevent you from being nice and then turning snarky, though, which you might WANT to do if the conversation reveals startling information that changes your viewpoint.. like you start off being invited to eat dinner and you say that would be great and I am polite and nice and then the host informs you that they are serving long pig and you want to exclaim that you want nothing to do with it and they are monsters....
So you almost can't lock in an "attitude" throughout a conversation based on an early choice. Particularly if you can pick up and drop conversations and (one assumes) rejoin them later.... I just don't know. Guess we find out next week.