1. numeric keypad rebound to movement does not affect various other activities that use the default keys, such as lock picking
2. sometimes companions become unselectable, or at least difficult to select for dialogue
3. the hold-breath button cannot be rebound, which for a left hander using the keypad is a real pain
4. other quality of life key bindings cannot be made, such as R & E which are used extensivly in the interface
5. when crafting highlighting an item (i.e. a wepon at the weapon crafting station) the options say press "E" to modify but this does nothing, clicking selects the item to modify
1. please give us the option to turn of bloom, the whole world is bright and blurry
2. please allow every key to be remapped
3. can you do something about the way fences are laid down, it is difficult to join them up at the moment (to existing structures)
4. some quality of life changes would be nice (but guess mods will cover these )
4.1 share main crafting inventory across all locations, I understand there is a perk for this, but it's a ball ache and if you don't go down that part of the tree building up the other locations is unecessarily fiddly
4.2 the companion AI needs work, they are either nowhere to be seen, or standing in your line of fire, or standing on the object you're trying to loot
4.3 any chance of a brightness or gamma slider? I'm suprised there isn't one, but If there is I can't find it
otherwise, great game and having fun playing it, thanks guys.