From what I've seen, this is a wonderful community. You all are great, and I just wanted to tell you that.
Thank you all for just being you.
From what I've seen, this is a wonderful community. You all are great, and I just wanted to tell you that.
Thank you all for just being you.
You're a good person too. Good luck when Fallout 4 comes out.
Cheers! *Passes you a cold Nuka Cola Quantam*
Ha. I tricked you.. I'm not a good person. I'm an evil person in disguise. Once a year I take off my good person disguise and go out trick-or-treating. I use my evil for stealing candy.
It's too bad I can't summon the forum via my pipboy in game - just so I can keep up with what's being said. Anyway, I've enjoyed every1's company & thoughts over the previous 6 months, I truly hope everyone enjoys the game, may you all have many adventures.
I have to dig for it, but I'm pretty sure I've got a sweater for that!
I mean you can have it. If you have the coin
i think this community is descent, because you ahve a lot of older players here.
Actually hardcoe fallout fans.
I admit i saw some of leaked content and the person who played it, was doing it like a pure 1st person shooter...
By thisi mean that some people just jumped on the hype train, because the title is famous, luckly there not here...
That's how I'm feeling right now. Trying hard not to click links.
Also: It's never Lupus.
Oh just you wait untill the "OMG FALLOUT 4 IS DUMBED DOWN! CASUALS RUINS GAMING! FALLOUT 4 IS NOT AND RPG!" (ノ?益?)ノ彡┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Its gonna happen