So someone spotted a living cat in one of the leaks, its interesting because several characters made it seem like cats were extinct.
But they may just be dead on the west coast.
So someone spotted a living cat in one of the leaks, its interesting because several characters made it seem like cats were extinct.
But they may just be dead on the west coast.
There are ment to be bobcats around Boston in the real world, could be one way to see em again.
its like the mutated hounds in the leak, its anyones guess at this point.
I would of loved to see some sort of giant mutant house cat........... just sitting around, doing nothing somewhere. If you attack it, it just swipes at you and goes back to doing nothing and licking itself.
Anyone figure out the pet food bowl yet? The official trailers show a pet bowl in the ruined house, but doesn't show any pet in the house pre-bomb. I've watched some leaked vids showing the PC walking around the house prior to talking to the VT guy, but no pet is shown anywhere that I've seen.
It's for Codsworths pet rock. Stops his CPU going mad.
Bobcats and sometimes even mountain lions are not exactly common but they're not rare up here, either. They are about as common as black bears but less common than moose or deer, so your idea holds water.
maybe Dogmeat is a descendant of your former dog? its a longshot I know but I mean 200 years later, that could be 10-20 generations of german shepards?