Yes! Same here. I'm refreshing my Amazon page frequently so that I can see if it's still there.
Yes! Same here. I'm refreshing my Amazon page frequently so that I can see if it's still there.
I even had amazon send me txt messages to update me about my orders. Kinda annoying cause my family decided to do a shopping spree and my phone is going off the hook, but worth it!
Yeah, I got my pre-order in through Amazon as soon as they went up after the E3 announcement. If my order got cancelled I'd probably lose my mind. I even double-checked my 2 payment methods on Amazon after reading some of these threads.
If you're not going to preload from Steam, then why waste your time pre-ordering with Walmart? When you can just buy it at midnight on release day? When Skyrim came out at midnight 11.11.11, all I did was drive 10 mins to my local Walmart Superstore. Bought my game/game manual and strolled out the store after waiting a mere 5 mins in line. That's how short the line was because everybody was camping out at Gamestop and other gaming store for some illogical reason. Even better because I was playing the game a good 4+ hrs that day while all the pre-order f.a.n.b.o.y.s were still waiting for UPS/FedEx to show up with their Christmas present.
Same deal with over hyped commodities (like the Harry Potter series that I've bought over these years) come to think of it. When B&N sold out of HP, Walmart had hundreds of hardcover copies camping out on the shelves. Just begging for someone to give them a new home. Walmart is far better equipped to buy games (and hard to get commodities like HP) IMO. No surprise there being that it's the largest retailer globally.
so f.a.n.b.o.y.s is a censored word now? Really?
Update on Target canceling my Pip Boy back in late July.
On October 28th I received an email from Target saying they were going to send me a Pip Boy Edition that would be completely on them, free, including the shipping. I had pre-ordered my back on June 24th and had it canceled late July. I think they're going by a deadline and putting those who first got cancelled first grabs.
Game UK did exactly this, asking people to check they had funds.
(and then themselves stuffed up some orders. Ooops....)
Not directly on topic, but Best Buy Canada showed stock of Pip-Boy editions the other day and it turned out to be a mistake and they cancelled many (perhaps all) orders. The good news though, they're giving free copies of the regular edition to those people.
In both these cases there's too much nice-ness going on here . Best Buy Canada usually only gives a $5 online coupon for cancelled orders, you can only use on coupon at a time, and it expires within a few weeks of them sending it
. Maybe Bethesda is somehow involved in these generous cancellation consolations?
I had an issue with my gamestop orders, I bought 2 pipboys, one for xbox, for my cousins christmas present, and 1 for pc for myself, I didn't have the funds on my card so I went to amazon, bought $300 dollars worth of gamestop gift cards and called Gamestop CS, and was on hold for an hour and a half before I got someone on the line, they were courteous, and helped me apply my gift cards to my 2 orders, and haven't received a cancelation email yet...but there's still 2 more days to go and they haven't shipped either, so I'm sitting here, biting my nails hoping everything is okay with them...I ordered them right as they went on sale on the site, which was 6/23/2015, and I'm really hoping nothing happens to them...should have ordered from amazon, might not have to worry with them, they are usually on the ball with these things.
I too suspect Bethesda somewhere! Considering I had reached out to Gstaff about this issue when it initially happened.
It boggles my mind that people still pre-order from Walmart. They've proven so unreliable, especially with special/limited edition content. The average person that works there doesn't know and doesn't care about gaming related things.
Hope it works out for you. Maybe, JUST maybe see if they can throw a Nuka-Cola Quantum because of the situation. Never hurts to try .