From the Office of the Imperial Legion
King, Country, and Justice!
Addressed to : Captain Justic Wright of the Leyawiin Militia.
From : Chief Investigator Praxus Mortillius of the Imperial Legion.
Date: 4th of First Seed, 3E 432
Subject: Local Distrubances ( Willard Estate )
Justic :
Please stop ignoring my previous letters, or I will send word of your incompetence to the Count of Leyawiin himself. You know well by now that these "supposed" local disturbances have gone on for long enough, and I am sick to the back teeth of your nonsense. Supernatural forces? Reanimated dead flesh? Come on Justic, this isnt necromancy we are talking about. Old man Willard kicked it 2 years ago. His Mansions falling apart, been abandoned since then. It's probably just bandits or vagrants squatting in that old building and you damn well know it.
Now it is my duty as a detective to take all things into consideration, and do not think that I have not taken heed to your previous words. The bodies you say found in the marsh, half eaten and rotting? I think the argonian illegal immigrants are to blame. Those damn fin-heads take the first chance they get to jump the border out of their native squat and move in to your town, and its only fitting that they may come across the odd trapper or traveller in the wilderness and kill them to avoid witnesses to their crime. Its a shame that the bodies you sent up were so brutalised our coroner couldn't establish any identity of the victims...but hey, it all comes with the job Justic. Clearly its a job you cant do.
As for the random attacks in broad daylight, offense Justic, but the ass-end of Cyrodiil isn't the best place to put a town. All manner of swamp fever is known to lurk in those parts, it's probably just rotted the brains of your good citizens. Either that or some kids are sneaking out at night and getting doped up on some swamp gas or something. I dont know, its not my business to know. Why should I care? This is your job Justic, and I loathe the fact im doing it for you!
I know you say the Mansions haunted, but thats all superstition. These strange happenings your experiencing are in no way related to that bloody rotting old building out in the marshes and you know it. I dont like you, Justic. Your a coward and a procrastinator. I know you have told me that you already sent two squads down there and neither returned...but as I said. BANDITS. Maybe its a foreign word to you? Wise up.
Your idiocy and unwillingness to aid us in this situation has reached breaking point, so Im sending a group of rookies to the mansion just to shut you up. Dont get excited Justic, most of them are just looking for the thrill of "Life in the Legion". Hah! What a load of crap. Anyhow, expect them in a couple of weeks. I cant believe Im wasting my own men and time just to prove to you theres no boogeyman under the bed.
The sooner they get in there, the sooner they get out...and the sooner we can prove to you there is no damn reason for you to be so scared of an old big house, and the sooner we can focus on the REAL reason behind these killings...that reason being bandits and foreigners. I cant believe my request to set up a garrison along the border to kill any immigrants has gone on ignored......
The RP
Well, with my previous RP I figured everyone rushed into things too soon, and it took off too fast...which effectively meant that any chance for back story or development went out the window. So, hopefully, this will be fixed in this fresh new RP by yours truly...packed to the brim with vitamin Z.
Z meaning ZOMBIES.
Yes you heard me, the walking dead. Reanimated Corpses. Brain-Eaters. I thought to myself, "why Riley you cunning old dog...why would RP'ers need to know the secret cunning plan old lady Mavis had when you could just chuck in a zombie and have it bite her head off?". This effectively means that story makes way for action in this RP. Its a simple idea, but will hopefully be fun. Im going all out on the extreme to liken this RP to an old Zombie flick from back in the day. Heads will be torn open! Limbs will be seperated from their bodies! Barricades will be brought down my legions of mindless undead! Blood will stain the walls of Willard mansion red, with the chance of some fluffy hot romance on the side. You know how it goes.
That being said, there will still be some lore and story...but alot of the focus will be on you trying to survive as a roleplayer against these shambling ghoulies. I will narrate this tale as I have done from my previous RP's, but more loosely to allow you to RP your character.
So! The story. Willard Mansion ( Imagine your is a very large estate a good four hours walk south of Leyawiin, nearing the Black Marsh border. It's owner, Ulysses R. Willard...was an brilliant yet reclusive alchemist who passed away due to a bad case of Black Marsh swamp fever. With no heirs to his estate, the land was abandoned on account of the surrounding territory being hostile and unsuitable for farming or anything.
Now it just sits there in the deep dank blackness of the marsh and rots.
UNTIL a string of dead bodies was found near the mansion grounds, with reports of some windows being seen lit within late at night...and strange sounds coming from within the manors rotting dark halls. The Leyawiin guard have been too scared to do anything, so the Imperial Legion has scraqed together a ragtag bunch made up of mostly new recruits to scope the place out and put these rumours to rest.
This is you. A fresh conscript in the Legion, totally unaware of the rampant amount of brain-eating there will be had in the near future ( unless your some sort of future-telling seer type person, in which case...bugger off and join a Mages Guild RP ).
Enjoy! And hopefully this one might last. If not, it will be a good sign that the boards dont need any new RP's for a while. They seem pretty lax lately :shrug:
RULES and GUIDELINES ( Now read these )
~No spamming / Flaming / excessive cybering and all that malarkey
~Romance is allowed but lets not have it too graphic. Why you would want to get funky in the middle of a Zombie Crisis is beyond me anyway...
~Use the basics of the Character Sheet provided, and feel free to add anything extra
~Vampires and Werewolves would not be allowed in the Legion, sorry.
~Your very much Human, dont uber.
~PM SHEET TO ME FIRST for approval before posting them within this thread
~RP like you mean it. None of that "Natin slashd zombee with sord and did 2 dmg" nonsense. Put heart into your posts and please make them of good length.
~Common sense. Do not character control or any other of these type of things without the consent of others.
~Im going to be pretty cruel in this one. Be realistic...try to take on more then 2 zombies and I will see to it that your brains are next on the menu. Your character may get dismembered or eaten if you run around acting like an uber. if I say "groaning can be heard from behind *your character*" and you be a fool and turn to look around without running....Your dead plain and simple, realistic given the circumstance )
~That being said, these arent your speedy gonzales type of zombies. They are the classic slow shambling arms-flung-out-infront go wild with the swords and go into detail on how your reducing them to tiny bite-sized undead giblets. That is what the RP is based around of course

~Do not join the RP if you cannot devote the time to it :/ It bogs other people down and can really ruin what would otherwise be a good time.
~Have fun.
The Character Sheet
Age: ( you may be a novice in the Legion but that doesnt mean you have to be a hot-headed little kid. )
Physical Appearance:
Mental Profile ( How does your character think? Fears, values, beliefs? )
Legion Role: ( why are you in the legion? Good at picking locks? Are you a brute? This is basically your class )
Armor/Clothing Standard Legion Helmet and Skirt ( You will always have these things, but you add everything else )
Weapon ( Dont take it past Silver please, you aint worth silver! )
Miscellanious objects:
Miscellanious Information: ( Anything you wish to add )
Brief Bio: ( Not over 2 paragraphs please )
Now, one more IC to set the scene and we're off.....bear in mind I will control the legion commander, and he will serve as a sort of guide to your objectives. If there was one thing Mechanical Hearted Menace lacked, it was direction.
The two horses wearily drag the open-top carriage into the outer courtyard of the mansion grounds, two rookie troops jumping off the back of the old wagon and closing the thick iron front gates behind you and crudely locking them. This will be a clean operation, and locking the front gates to the mansion will ensure that nothing will get out....if there is indeed anything in the first place.
The air stinks of the peaty bog, and the thick stench of the swamp-life clogs your throat. It is late at night, as your wagon left Leyawiin at 5:00pm, it is now 9:00. The small moon hangs above, mostly obscured by clouds and trees. Its hard to see, but the Willard Estate can be seen clearly looming above ominously. No sign of light can be seen within the cracked and broken windows....perhaps it truly is just suspicion after all?
"This place is a dump" Your commanding Officer exclaims as he leaps off the cart and produces a map from his cuirass. The grizzled Breton lays the large map down on the bed of the cart and sets a lit lantern beside it for all to see before pointing a grubby thick finger and what seems to be your location.
"Alright, Legionnares. This is how it goes, see those front steps up there? Thats the front entrance to the Manor, you can tell seeing as the doors are so damn big. I want you to breach those doors and enter the main atrium of the mansion. I'll wait here and watch the horses. But be careful in there eh? This old place hasn't seen action in over 2 is falling apart and the last thing I want is fresh meat being wasted by some falling pieces of roof or something. Now go on, get those doors open".
OOC : A short post but its time for bed here. Remember, PM me those sheets and I will answer them. I will try to get some zombie action in quick because face it, you wont be joining for the story