Will fal;lout 4 have a metro system like fallout 3? that was a huge part of the game for me.
will fo4 have random encounters like fo3?
Give me more loading screens please.
Will fal;lout 4 have a metro system like fallout 3? that was a huge part of the game for me.
will fo4 have random encounters like fo3?
Give me more loading screens please.
I do not see why not. In the trailers we did see an underground subway system( the part with the guy getting his head blown off by a teddy bare).
Also from what I gather, loading screens are like Skyrims now, with 3-D objects you can play around with. The longer ones of course.
Hopefully so, exploring the metro system was well creepy and was easy to get lost in. It felt good to finally find your way out and smell the fresh irradiated air.
They've had random encounters in most of their games so I don't see why this 'un should be any different.
sorry , not trying to sound elitist, but I play on PC and dont know what a long loading screen looks like. I just think the more loading screens the better. means more areas.
so many hidden gems in the metro system and made an already sizable map much larger.
Funny... i don't think I ever said long loading screens...
I said longer. Like 2 inches is longer than 1.
Apparently loading screens are short and sweet now, and they only get up a bit in length when you fast travel.
In the last trailer, there was an underground bricked tunnel. On the wall was painted a lantern, like an old antique rail road lantern. I'm assuming this is the symbol for the Railroad. So I'm assuming there will be some underground exploration.