I plan to play using unarmed weapons primarily (because when you upgrade unarmed skill and take the perks it deals a lot of damage, especially if you use spiked knuckles which you can deal one punch with every second). Energy Weapons secondarily, for fights like deathclaw fights or when fighting more than a couple of enemies at once. I will probably use light armour until I unlock Power Fists/Sonic Fists etc then switch to Power Armour.
You should always allocate your SPECIAL skills to suit which playstyle you are going to play the game in. E.g. if you want to be sneaky increase agility. Look at what each SPECIAL skill helps your character with and choose carefully when you start the game. Different SPECIAL skills allow you to choose different perks, eg having high agility would allow you to pick better sneaking perks so it is important. High Intelligence would allow you to pick better science/hacking/medicineperks etc. High Strength allows you to pick better melee/unarmed and how much you can carry perks. High Endurance allows you to pick better health perks. Increasing Luck increases every skill you have by one (while all other SPECIA skills increase the related skillpoints by 2 each), and Luck increases critical hit chances and loot finding chances. Strength increases unarmed and melee damage + how much you can carry.
I plan to use high endurance so I can get in close without taking too much damage for unarmed weapons, high agility so I can run in faster and dodge their attacks with my fast movement while destroying them with unarmed. Probably choose between Intelligence/Strength for my 3rd strong Special skill. or Else I could completely put Agility and Endurance to 10, and possibly use the perk to increase my strength as I level up during playing the game.
When you allocate your skills at the start, pick one as your main method of combat so that early in the game you're skilled at using the weapons you want to. pick one as lockpick, so you don't miss locks when you explore early in the game. I would pick the other as sneak, but you could choose anything e.g. barter, or maybe if it was hardcoe mode survival skill etc. You can also choose science so you don't miss any early terminals to hack when you are a low level, because sometimes they open very hard locks with loot etc.