Not really surprising at all, to be honest.
I've always said this... people are dikes.
I tend to avoid social media in the lead up to games releases when I've been looking forward to them, for that reason, and well, once they're released, why look at social media? I'm too busy gaming! And not eating right.
You can choose whether or not to turn on the water purifier, but you can't save your dad.
The story can't be that long if people are posting endings already...right?
No game is particularly long if you just blow through the MQ.
I don't suppose they could have removed certain areas and thus quest endings with the review copies so that so much information could get into the leaker's hands. That's assuming all the leaks are coming from review copies.
I've pretty much spoiled everything for myself, but that's what I do. The MQ wasn't my priority when playing the game anyway, just the game world, though I must admit there's some real bad features in this game. I predict that I'll beat the MQ and about half the side quests and then go back to playing a modded Skyrim. This certainly isn't a game I can get 1,500+ hours out of like I did Skyrim. I'd like it if I was wrong ... but I don't think so.
Just got hit with the game's ending on a comic book forum, completely unrelated to the game in any way. People are [censored].
Honestly, whether the ending is leaked to me or not I don't care. I love fallout games and would still play it even if I knew the ending. I knew the ending of Halo 5 before I finished it and still played it. I knew the ending of Mass Effect 3 before I finished it. I've done 3 or 4 playthroughs of Fallout 3 and I still play them even knowing the ending and most of the time I find something knew I didn't know about each time. This would be no different.
And I have a major spoiler here (not really)
Yes. Not sure I want to elaborate any more to be honest as it's all based on opinion. What I hate others may love. I am curious how the player will reviews look a few weeks from now after people have played it a while.
Yep, the proof is very much in the pudding.
We will all know soon enough.
Are real this spoilers? Some of them are completly impossible, I think. And who is so stupid to spoil a game in Steam forums? They will be banned.
How can people know the end of the game? I know there are a lot of leaked contain, but it is being censored very quick.
Steam forums has a lot. They write a false title and when you enter, they are the spoilers. No one is moderating that.
Welp, time to cut off the internet completely until the game comes out. Not really. I wouldn't know what do do with myself without the internet. I've never really cared about spoilers for much of anything, but this game is an exception. I'll just have to remember not to read any You Tube comment sections at all.
'never underestimate the power of human stupidity'
Robert Heinlein