What is particularly interesting to note is how far in advance BGS begins laying the groundwork for their next game. It's also interesting to see that the workshop was originally only going to be for modders (makes sense) but was so popular that it became one of the main features of the game. I'm really excited to explore the new verticality BGS is using in their worlds and to see the greater density in this game than any previous title they've developed. Really though, I'm just happy the shooter mechanics were overhauled. I think Destiny is a medicore game, but one thing Bungie does well is shooter mechanics, being they created Halo. I'm definitely happy BGS is taking cues from Bungie and id for the shooter aspects and cues from BioWare for the voiced protagonist and story. It is these molding of great ideas into one that will make Fallout 4 a truly amazing and everlasting experience.