It might be specific to a unit or a branch of service. So it could be in limited numbers.
It might be specific to a unit or a branch of service. So it could be in limited numbers.
I'm wondering if they're going to have any Tesla power armor. Barring all of the Enclave's stupid helmets in 3, the Tesla Power Armor was my favorite. If they could Tesla up the X-01 in a way that doesn't look really stupid like Arcade Gannon's, I would be all over that.
I liked the enclave armor in NV. The shoulder armor mostly. Looks like one of those American footballers.
I did wear the T51b a lot in Fallout 3. Never been a fan of the T45d, though the T60 is an improvement, I've never really liked the helmet.
I could be wrong, but doesn't the new PA system allow for mixing and matching? Like different (from different PA variants) arms, legs, chest plate and helm?
Looks like it, yes. Rumoured to be paintable too.
Big bad: "What armor you rocken"?
Me: "T-60LX-01AAPAC/H with a Tesla back pack"
Big bad: "Cool, wanna get married cause all I got is this beat up leather jacket and a, now soiled, pair of sweat pants."
Me: "Cool beans"
Advanced power armor now and forever. Burn all the muties!
But I concur with the entirety of your OP, and love seeing the ever intimidating power armor come to life with the visuals of Fallout 4.
I was thinking this as well not too long ago. Doesn't make much sense to me that they create a better power armor than T-51b that is build upon the T-45d design. I mean, it definitely looks better than the T-45d but I think they could have done more for a new set of power armor than just stick to an old design for the sake of familiarity.
They found a ton of old T45d armor in the Pentagon supposedly.
What they were wearing when they came across, [censored] knows.
They said that T-45d was in abundance in the Pentagon for some reason in Fallout 3 pre-release stuff. Though that of-course doesn't explain where the T-51b that they brought with them went.
I do not really follow lore or really care about it.
Possibly the T-45 was the power armor issued to the units that formed the BoS.
Maybe T-60 is just some refit of T-45 suits to bring them up to more T-51b levels?
My all time favorite is the Midwest BoS Power Armor. I do not know the exact model it's called (or even if there is a name for it). If it's not present in Fallout 4, mods will serve me quite well.
I barely used any power armors in previous Fallout games. They just didn't fit the way they ment to be, I think. They were nothing but a piece of clothing.
So I didn't paid much attention to them (except Fallout 3s Medical Prototype Power Armor wich was quite amusing).
Now having them the way I see and think about them -> A walking tank like vehicle.
Also my personal favourite from what we've seen so far: T-60!
A bulky and heavy moving type of armor. It's a beautiful piece of junk .
Also I dislike the X-01 helmet, but that's just my opinion.
^This. Even Van Buren would have had Athena Power Armor, which would have been the best armor prewar.
I think the T60 was an advanced prototype developed at MIT and Vault 111 was filled with intellectuals and a mix of soldiers and others. The guards simply had access to high-tier tech.
I love the look of all the different types of power armor, but if I had to choose I would pick the T-45d. Only because of nostalgia.
Then what did they have? No power armour at-all? Because I remember the staches of T-45d being made a big deal of in the pre-release stuff and it wouldn't have been if they had brought their own.
Ashur, who was a member of the Brotherhood before they abandoned him had an old suit of T-45d power armor, and New Vegas showed that the original Brotherhood does indeed have some T-45ds lying around. Presumably Lyons' chapter was equipped with that model when they arrived in D.C., and they simply found more.