Highly sixualized video games of today

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:27 pm

Pretty much %100 correctamundo. Many of the OP's threads and posts consist of blatant ranting or whining against anything LGBT. OP needs to getalife and stop being such a [censored] intolerant [censored]. six and sixUALITY is a huge part of life and should be packed into games wherever possible, IMO. So, intolerant OP complains about including it in games (and apparently "imitating Dragon Age" - most likely because it gives players same six options, which he is against given his anti-LGBT track record), saying it's cheap and tasteless? How so? It's not. If anything games need more sixuality and six put into them. It's a massive part of life; seriously, DEAL WITH IT (although it might be hard to accept for people like the OP who obviously get none in RL so are totally against its mere existence in fiction). I am glad it brings such 'humans' like OP so much unrest...

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:00 am

I totally get the point! We need an HD remake of Fallout 2 with full cinematics for that!

It really is ridiculous how nudity and six is fine in sculpturing, paintings, photography, music and even in movies but when you put it in a video game it's somehow a thousand times worse! And come on, christians, who generally are the most vocal purists, even worship a crusified dude in underpants in their churches! And they make kids watch and worship him too while preaching quite graphically about how he was tortured and murdered! Yeah no that's fine so long as every woman within their eyesight is wearing burkas. And by the way if Jesus in his underpants is fine, why can't I go to church in my boxers without getting arrested?? Put some clothes on those statues!

And really the 18year age gates for violence and six in media is complete and utter bogus. Who here never watched/played violent movies/games or porm before they were 18? Anyone? I started playing GTA and other violent games when I was 10 or so and porm I started soon after. Did I become a mass-murdering rapist? No! I can't even go fishing because I feel bad for hurting the fishies and the bait, and I've most certainly never rap.ed (censor..) anyone. I do eat meat and enjoy six so the games and porm didn't turn me into an abstinate hippie either :P

Sorry for ranting, this subject always gets me going
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:24 pm

HARK, I actually agree with the OPs sentiments....

The whole six thing inserted is sort of a cultural comprimise to make the product more interesting - rather than an objective view of the content. For example, I like game of thrones, but the six scenes are almost predictable because.... its HBO. If there is a chance for nudity, that company will attempt to insert it if its fitting for the demograph without any consideration; that it may actually have more of an indirect affect on keeping the plot less immersive (because of more nudity or more of a portrayal that fake love works) - thus diminishing potential. Sane people like consistentcy in the genre they are entertaing themselves with after all.

Furthermore, nudity is a poloraizing thing inherently among civilized culture: generally speaking, putting sociological boundaries on what's unacceptable forms of nudity. For example, your relatives - most sane people can relate to at least that wall. Again, Im saying this to illustrate that there is a fundamental, inherent thing that people get more grossed out over than say 'killing the bad guy' (which is generally accepted as a good thing).

So yea, illustrating nudity without the confines of some boundary (like sanctity for example) is a bit unreal - or - unbelievable. This, doesn't exactly add to the immersion of the fiction, unless it is attempting to be allegorical.

Tribalism may be a thing that reduces sixual boundaries in reality, but not in advanced civilization - where the baser side (six) is reduced for the sake of higher principles. In Fallout 4, all manner of tribalism is indeed portrayed, but, that doesn't naturally sit well with anyone civilized viewing the content - particularly with cross reality stimuli - ie - im alluding to nudity. It is in essence, more a visual issue, and one that universally illicits a baser side of humanity, regardless of sophistication. Violence is less a matter of the baser side, and more to do with justification in context to humanity. True it may be a natural thing, thus equal to six in regards to it being a physical need, but not absolutely a thing universally correlated to each when it comes to their place and their effects. Simplified: Violence is more an act (physical) as well as six too (physical) but nudity is more a concept/image (mental) as well as justification to kill (mental). The things that reside within the mind ultimately reference to an order within it, that invoke justice, and allude to an ultimate moral law giver.

So with the above rational we should conclude that a nvde picture of a woman in a fake setting is in essence, the same concept to the one that is real and in front of you even.

I'm reminded of Da vinci's teacher making a comment related to this somewhat (unsure of the veracity of this quote, but still an interesting comment):

"His one time master asked him why he always drew people nvde and DaVinci answered, “I want to draw men as God sees them.” His master answered wisely, “But Leonardo, you are not God.”

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:56 pm

I laughed and you bought a tear to my eyes.

Seriously if this worries you in games that door that leads outside your abode, do not go out it, get a bunker made for yourself to isolate yourself from the outside, and never travel here because if this offends you, then your offendo {TM} meter is going to explode, because whats being represented in games is the real world, and if you think alot of what your talking about is improbable, then youve lived a sheltered life, if you dont like these games like tv shows turn them off or dont play them, or choose to play arcade style game, you'll get your bang bang without your boom boom.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:54 pm

I can safely raise my hand for the "Never watched porm before 18" bit. Hell, I can count on two fingers the # of times I've actually seen a pormo. Once right after I got out of the military, and once with my wife as a lark. It was so utterly boring both times that I decided it wasn't worth bothering with.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:06 am

Closed for review.

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