Good thing it got deleted before a whole lot of people saw it. Whoo boy the mods have their work cut out for them.
So I guess nowhere is safe, then. As was expected. The internet is a smorgasbord of inconsiderate and maniacal people. No matter where you go, at least one will always find its way through the cracks.
I have a feeling the mods will not get much sleep and be on the ready for a Rad Roach infestation.
This is likely the only forum where you have a chance of not getting any spoilers but some might get through.
Keep up the good fight Mods.
I'm guilty of posting a spoiler, even. 鈥?We all roll the dice.
There are people out there that just like to troll and get a kick out of ruining the game for others. Happens a lot in PvP games as well.
Yea I was scouring on youtube and some how I click a link and lead me to the intro of FO4 Movie.
Luckly it didn't really have a big spoiler on it,I like how there going back for intro as FO1-2 style but in motions picture.
Now I wish they make a TV series of FO universe.
I suppose going dark tomorrow or sunday is going to be the safest route.
A propos spoilers, I really appreciate the general attitude of the community here and I definitely don't envy the mods. Poor sods actually have to read those threads containing spoilers...
Been only coming here and avoiding everything else but I was afraid of this. Have fun on Tuesday everyone
Yeah i saw that "ending" spoiler too. Going to hope it wasn't true, probably is though. Going to see if there are any effective memory wipe hypnosis vids on Youtube haha. It's been a fun time on here but yeah that's my cue to leave. Hope you all have a good time in the wastes.
Edit: http://www.wikihow.com/Purposefully-Forget-Thingsgot to be worth a try haha
Three days away won't help you much if it is going to take you a year to get to the actual ending.
You can't really avoid the Internet for the next year - so just learn what links to not click on.
Practice safe computing - your computer will thank you.
I've got classwork to kind of keep my busy until launch. Sadly though, I likely won't get much play in before next weekend as this semester is coming to an end, so the amount of work is insane. It svcked I saw someone post the "Ending" on the steam forums right after I activated my preload.
Yeah I've been avoiding topics that say spoiler in the title. I will go dark in the last 3 days, and remain so until after my first playthrough.
It was the ending in the title unfortunately. The mods dealt with it quickly I was just unlucky enough to refresh at the wrong time.