Really really enjoyable, Dark.

You know I love your fanfics. Plots and characterisation are probably your two greatest strengths, I would say, and you are an excellent writer. I have to agree with Peleus that the fight scenes seem to be a little slow... it feels like your watching something in slow motion. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, writing fast-paced action is a useful skill. If you decide you'd like to, try shorter, more concise sentences in fight scenes, and try and convey the confusion and the speed of it as well as the choreography, which you already do quite well.
My only complaint is that Victoria doesn't seem to have an awful lot of character in and of herself yet. Certainly, she has interesting qualities (such as the whole supersoldier business), and she seems to become very loyal, very quick. But mostly, she seems to be being carried by the plot. This often happens with main characters; they are given less personality than the others. This is very early on, so I guess its early to judge, but I'll remind you to bring forth her character, her unique flavour, rather than just setting her up as a 'good person' and leaving it at that.
Looking forwards to more, Dark.