Fallout game idea in Texas

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:48 am

Main Story (part 1)

The Game begins in your house where a doctor tells you that your Grandma is going to die and you need to pay for her treatment. The treatment costs 1000 caps, of course since you don’t have 1000 caps in the beginning of the game, he’ll offer to have a deal. If you complete the Brotherhood's mission (you must get a tag from a man called “the dealer” in Fallville, you must bring this to the gates of Fort Hood) he’ll treat your Grandma. When you leave you pick your specials (barter=250 extra caps, science=chems, medicine=5 stimpacks, guns=9mm pistol (half durability) 60 9mm bullets, energy weapons=laser pistol (half durability) 60 energy cells, melee weapons=spiked baseball bat (half durability), unarmed=spiked knuckles (half durability), lockpick=1 locksmith reader 15 bobby pins, survival=5 mole rat steaks, explosives=2 makeshift frag grenades 3 makeshift frag mines, repair=3 repair bags, sneak=1 stealth boy, speech=choose one of the things listed above.) No matter what you start with you get a half durability 5.56 rifle and 30 5.56 ammo. When you finish picking your specials a Jimmies weapon shop crier comes up to you and says “You here the weapon shop got some new weapons for sale.” You then go to the weapon shop the owner, Jimmie, tells you that he’s began weapon training and if you want to try it out. This acts as the shooting tutorial for the game, you do not have to do it, weapon shop is the first place you can buy and sell. After this the main quest tells you to go to Fallville, on the way it shows you, it leads you through a few towns (none of them being protected by the texas rangers, but you can go off and fine them) . When you reach Fallville a Texas Ranger will tell you that if that you help raiders they will shoot you, if you only follow the main quest this the first time you’ll find the Texas Rangers. In the town you’ll meet a man called “the dealer” he will give the package and tell you to go to Fort Bragg, if you ask what is name is he’ll respond with “Why the hell should I tell you?!” Once you make it to fort hood a BOS will say “Holy sh*t someone made it, they weren't kidding about your family, anyways go up to the elder, he’s in the war room.” Once you get to the cornell he’ll give 1000 caps and tell that there was nothing in the package and that your whole family was desert rangers and they were killed by ncr vet rangers, but they didn’t have the heart to kill you. After some conversation he’ll tell you to think about helping the Brotherhood some more and tell him in a couple of days. When you leave the fort’s general area, a squad of enclave will tell you to go to The Slaves Mines and someone will meet you there. After this you can go back to the doctor and tell him this he will force you to pay an extra 1000 caps. When you can’t find your Grandma you ask the people in the town and they’ll tell she died a while a go. You can then ask the sheriff to help you arrest the Doctor, he will resist and you will have to kill him.

Main Story Part 2 (Enclave)

Once you go to the slave mines and talk to one of the enclave soldiers they’ll direct you to the camp commander Sergeant Rick. He’ll give you a series of quests, once you complete them he’ll say he trusts you know and tells you to go to depleted uranium mine and down the cave, he will also give you power armor training. When you go down there you’ll see two Enclave soldiers that will lead you through the door and tell you to go to Cornell White. Once you reach Cornell White he’ll tell you to be the Enclave ambassador to the Austin Republic and make them their allies. After gaining their trust they’ll tell you about their plot to unify the towns around them to create the Lone Star Republic. You immediately get prompted to go back to Cornell White and ask him what to do, he’ll tell you to go with their plan. When you go back they’ll tell you to be at least liked with the towns midway, boomtown, New San Antonio,... . Once you get these relations you will go back to the leader of the Austin Republic, He’ll tell you to send these envoys to the leaders of the towns shown above. One you do this the Lone Star Republic is founded. You will go back and do some more quests for the enclave then you will be asked to activate the final battle.

Main Story part 2 (BoS)

After accepting to help the High Elder he’ll send you out to some of the BOS Cadets in defending a local town. When you get there you help the Cadets to defend the attack from highly armored raiders. The head of the BOS Cadets in the area to take a group of Cadets to attack a pesky raider camp. After destroying it he’ll tell you search through the camp to see how they're getting these weapons. You’ll find out that there being armed by the Enclave, when you report back to the head he’ll tell you to bring this to the High Elder. The High Elder will tell you to arm some raiders and have them attack caravans taking resources from the Slaves Mine to the Facility. After this he’ll tell you to go with 3 paladins through San Antonio to a bunker in the center of the city to find some rumored tech. After this you’ll get power armor training. He’ll then send you with same quest with the soon to be Lone Star Republic. Afterwords you’ll have a more quests after completing those you will be asked if you want to activate the battle.

The Brotherhood Of Steel

The Brotherhood of steel sent 35 paladins consisting of 25 women and 10 men to explore Fort Hood one of the largest military bases in the world. On the way down they kidnapped 20 young kids to bolster their ranks. When they got there they found that the Fort was destroyed, after looking through some of the remaining terminals they found out about a secret bunker in the mountains. When they got there they found a fully fledged self sustainable secret base/bunker. They found lot’s of pre war tech, and possibly the most important thing, a fully functional communications array. Soon after they moved into the bunker they attempted to make a coalition with the Arkansas, chicago, New mexico, oklahoma, louisiana, mississippi and Arizona chapters of Brotherhood. The High Elder soon realized if they wanted power within the Texas Wastes they needed more men, and with that more food. So the High Elder sent out BOS forces to convince the local towns to give them food, tech and babies, in return the BOS would give protection from the viscous raider groups. 5 years after the Texas BOS made contact with other chapters of BOS, the Brotherhood Coalition, with its center of command being the BOS bunker in Texas. The Creation of the Brotherhood Coalition lead to the creation of the Council of Elders (elder of every chapter in Coalition), led by the High Elder (has 3 votes) who was advised by the HODMO (Head of Domestic Military Operations) and the HOEMO (Head of External Military Operations). The High Elder began to send out scouts in Texas to look for old war tech. Shortly after, they found a power armor construction facility just before the scouts entered they found a group already working in the facility, shortly after they found out it was the Enclave. They immediately went back to the bunker to inform the High Elder, the Council of Elders voted to bring in forces from up North to attack the Facility. The enclave noticed the build up of BOS troops around the Facility, the Enclave in Vertibirds attacked the at the time 100 BOS Paladins while they were sleeping, it was later known as “The Brotherhood Massacre”.

The Enclave

The enclave is what remains of the US government, they hid away in many places such as oil rigs. The Texas based Enclave soon became one of the most powerful due to it controlling a power armor construction facility. There base is in an old depleted uranium mine, it was one of the first enclave hideouts built, you can see this because it's much more built up than any of the other ones seen in prior games. If you go down and into the mines you find and enclave trooper saying “one step closer mutie and I'll blow your head off.” 30 years after the bombs fell Vault 67, a control vault, population came out they were immediately greeted by a band of enclave soldiers who told them they were the American government and that they could make them an amazing city. Which they did, the city which is now known as The Capital is a pro enclave monarchy installed by the enclave. You must submit to a radiation test before entering, you must have below 30 rads to get in. When the game begins the new king wants to split off from the enclave, you can support him or inform the enclave about this and support them. During this time the enclave found an old power armor construction facility they quickly brought in many enclave troops to protect it, and many engineers to make sure it was running and keep it that way. Soon after they set up shop they noticed a buildup of Brotherhood troops. Fearing an attack they began a preemptive strike that wiped out the attacking forces. To keep the Construction Facility working they needed metal and other materials, they sent out many scouts to find a mine with lots of ore still in it, and they found one. They began buying slaves and sending out patrols to do some enslaving themselves, to work in the mines. If you go to it you must pass a speech check of 50 to enter the mining camp, but you must be accepted by the enclave to go into the mines themselves. While within the gates of the camp you can occasionally see slaves get hit with electro whips by enclave soldiers if they're not working fast enough.

Main Bases

  • The Capital

  • Slaves Mine

  • Power Armor Construction Facility

  • Depleted uranium Mine

There is one major Power struggle in texas it is between the Enclave and Brotherhood Of Steel.

If you choose to help the brotherhood you start in an outpost outside of Power Armor Construction facility. When you get there you hear a brotherhood paladin say “the final chapters from Chicago came” after that you hear a head paladin say it's time to attack. You join a group of charging brotherhood and attack the enclave around the facility. After you kill the guards you storm the facility and take control of it, you then go and take the vertibirds before the remaining enclave take it away. If you fail this you will have to restart the battle once you take the vertibirds the head paladin will tell say “quick men get on the vertibirds we have to attack the fortress” then he will turn to you and say “We will distract the enclave forces, find an air vent once you get there use these to blow throw the filtration system then place this on the pipe, it’ll kill everybody in there.” if you have at least a speech of 80 you can ask him to give you some paladins to protect you. You take a fly to the Depleted Uranium mine in a verti bird, when you get there you already see brotherhood fighting the enclave. You travel around the mine until you find an air filtration vent you blow up the filters then place the bio bomb on the vent. After you do this you have to kill the rest of the enclave. After you finish the battle The Elder will tell “we got a lot of supplies from the mine and the construction facility, we’re already sending paladins in armed vertibirds to help our mojave chapter and to wipe out the rogue east coast chapter”.

If you choose to help the Enclave you start the battle inside the bunker the cornell will tell you about the attack and tell you to go to the hangers and got on the verti bird. Once you get to the construction facility and wiped out the attacking brotherhood. After this you go to Fort Hood and fight alongside cyborg deathclaws to wipe out the brotherhood.

Minor Factions

  • Texas Ranger

  • Redneck

  • Super Mutants

  • Summerdale

  • The Capitol

  • Juliuses Legion

  • Brotherhood Outcasts

  • Vault 69

  • Boy Town

  • Vault 68

  • Vault 68 Refugees

  • Slavers

  • The Houston ghouls

  • Cut Thrope

  • The Freedom Fighters

  • Boom Town

  • Midway

  • New San Antonio

  • Sewer Point

Texas Rangers

The Texas Rangers are a group of heavily trained defenders. The Founder of the Texas Rangers was an NCR soldier who just failed the ranger test due to a broken leg at the last minute. In shame he left the NCR and began exploring the wastes. He eventually settled in the town of Fallville soon after raiders attacked the town. After some teens in the village saw him fight off the raiders they wanted him to train them. Fast forward 50 years and many towns across texas are under the defence of the texas rangers, the texas rangers are rewarded by the people by giving them free food water and a bed to sleep in. They are currently fighting Juliuses Legion, the dominant legion group after the legion civil war. If your liked by the Texas Rangers you can ask them to help you retake the town of Summerdale after it was taken over by the legion. You can also help them attack the legion stronghold.


The Rednecks are shotgun wielding crazies that believe that they are on a mission from god to exterminate all ghouls and mutants. They live right next the super mutant camp, in the hills. You must gain their trust by bringing them 30 ghoul heads. If you do this you can the the companion Reddest Neck who is the leader of the rednecks. After you're accepted by the Rednecks they will ask you to help them attack the super mutants camp, you can also ask the enclave to help you with this. When you ask the enclave to help you can ask them to wipe out the super mutants and the rednecks if you pass a speech check of 55. If you do this Reddest neck will attempt to kill you and will no longer be your companion.

The Super Mutants

The super mutant live in a camp in the hills, next to the Rednecks camp. You can do a series of quests including rescuing a captured mutant called Johnny. Once you rescued him he becomes a companion, he has the highest the highest strength of any companions. If your liked by the mutants they will ask you to help them attack the Rednecks.


Summerdale is the town where the game begins, there's a bunch of quests that you can do around the town. The town is also the tutorial for the game. After you complete the main quest of the town, that brings to the brotherhood, You may return and see the town taken over by Juliuses legion. Once you see the town it activates the quest “not in my town” which leads you the Texas Rangers. It also the first entrance to the sewer tunnels you can find.

The Capital

The capital though part of the enclave for most of the game, has its own reputation system. The capital is built around vault 67 which was a normal control vault. It doors opened 30 years after the war in 2107, when they come out they were met by a of enclave soldiers. They offered to make them the capital of the wasteland the overseer obviously agreed. The vault became a monarchy and began building a city outside of the vault, with the enclaves help it became a glowing city on the wasteland. All the kings before the one in the game were loyal to the Enclave. To begin the battle between the capital and the enclave you must be liked by the capital to join the battle on the capitals side. If you have a high enough speech you can get the Lone Star Republic and the Brotherhood of steel to help. I you win the battle for the Capital you can pass a speech check and get the Capital to become part of the Lone Star Republic, if you don't do this it becomes the Capital Empire.

Juluises legion

Juliuses legion is the dominant legion group after the legion civil war. The legion civil war happened after the death of Caesar, it spanned 5 years. After the death Caesar the legion fell apart leading to a deadly civil war, the winners were a group called Juliuses legion led and founded by cruel fighter/commander Julius. He led the campaign into Texas and is only being stopped by a group called the Texas Rangers. If you get liked by them you can help them wipe out the texas rangers. They also take the town you start in, Summerdale.

Brotherhood Outcasts

The brotherhood outcasts are an ex brotherhood group that wants to use the brotherhood's tech to help the people of the wastes. You can form an alliance between them and the Texas Rangers. There is a side quest for the brotherhood that makes you wipe out the Outcasts. They are needed for upgrading the companion eagle. One of the final quests for the outcasts is to get them 10 suits of power armor and 10 laser/plasma weapons, you can pass a number of barter checks that will make him steadily pay more for the weapons and armor making him slowly more angry until he flips out and says “you know what [censored] you you're only getting that and not a cap more you son of a [censored]”

Vault 69

Vault 69 is made out of 999 women and 1 man, they treat they make as king, they throw all of his sons out into the wasteland, besides they oldest son which is the heir to the throne. When the game begins the boys they through out into the wastes made a town called Boy Town and they were ready to retake their homeland. This is a major threat to vault 69 so they ask they ask you to spy on them, after you get the requested information, you may sleep with him (if female), or do a series of quests if male. After any of these are complete you can get the companion amazon, you may also help them wipe out Boy Town.

Boy Town

Boy Town is made and populated by the boys that were thrown out of vault 69. For a while the kids that were thrown out either killed by the wildlife or captured by slavers. This kept going on till the town of Cut Thrope began taking in the children soon after the boys left the town to make there own, the town was called Boy Town. After entering Boy Town an old man will tell you he’s your father but if you ask the town leader he’ll tell you “Oh your talking about Bill right? to tell you the truth he’s gotten crazier as he got older, if you ask me we should kill him for his own good. but none of us got the heart.” After you get liked or be a male, he will ask you to help him take back the vault.

Vault 68

Vault 68 is made out of 999 women and 1 man. Vault was split down the middle one side wanted to use the women for reproduction, and the other where like a cult which treated the women as a god. 154 years later this lead to a civil war which ended up with the queen at the time diying and one of the only heirs being taken by the cultists. 60 years later they're ready to take back what they thought was captured (the other heirs) from them.

Vault 68 Refugees

The vault 68 refugees are the cultists from vault 68. You can find their leader the the heir to throne, she will urge to kill the the refugees preacher. After killing him you find out that she asked you to kill him because without him she would have full power and lead the refugees to retake the vault.


The slaving business was going well, but it didn't really bloom until the enclave needed slaves to work in their mines. That's when many slave trading station such as El Salvador, Sunny Town, and Bulls Horn popped up. All major slave trade centers have connections to the sewer so they can easily move around slaves without getting caught by the Texas Rangers or Freedom Fighters. The city sometimes called the slave capital is Jacksontown named after its founder Jackson. The de facto leader James kook is biggest trader of slaves and also has the most slaves at his command, the reason he has control is because he was the winner of the Slave Wars. The slaves wars was a fight between the biggest slave exporters 20 years ago, the war was fought with vast slave armies. Through his cunning and tactics his relatively small force of 560 beat much larger forces of 1000.

The Houston Ghouls

The Houston ghouls are a group of ghoul tribals in up town texas. There is a quest for the Lone Star Republic that makes gain their trust and ask them to leave, or you can just kill them. They believe in the god Othoolo how blessed them with immortality. You must gain their trust by getting rid of the slavers who have been capturing them, you can either get rid of them by force or words, or you can help the slavers and enslave all the Ghouls. They say the slavers are supported by the devil because they get pass there guarded walls, you later find out they come in by the sewer tunnels.

Cut Thrope

Cut Thrope is a town near Vault 69. They helped Boy town get off there feat by caring for the boys that came out of vault 69. There are a few quests you can do for them, also it's an entrance to the sewer tunnels.

Freedom Fighters

The freedom fighter are a mix of regular people and ex slaves. There main goal is to stop the slavers. They have many camps around Texas where they try to bring and protect runaway slaves. The final quest for them is to help them intercept a large group of slavers and slaves.

Boom Town

Boom Town is built in between the reactor and FDR Citadel. It “boomed” into existence because of the workers and their families how worked in the Citadel and reactor. It later becomes part of the Lone Star Republic


Midway started out as a group of merchants and traders who set up midway between Austin and the water purifier/Farmville. As the town grew bigger, the threat of raiders also grew, because of this the town began to make it’s own militia. It has now became the rest and resupply spot on the Great Water Trail.

Sewer Point

Sewer Point is a city in the sewers, it goes across multiple levels but doesn't go on the surface. It’s a hub for underground traders and travelers alike. To defend it from raiders and slavers it has it’s own militia. Though they let the slavers buy supplies from the city they must forfeit their weapons to the Militia while they’re in the town.

Abandoned Vaults

  • Vault 88

  • Vault 147

Vault 88

Vault 88 experiment was population control, if there were over 500 people within the vault the vault would kill the oldest until the population reached 500 again. The vault began with 500 hundred people, for the first and second generation they didn't notice anything wrong, until there was a baby boom and everybody over the age of 20 was killed. The vault, even with the best efforts of some of its inhabitants, quickly became gang war. This began when a few kids broke into the armory and fought it would be funny to set off a few grenades around the vault. They quickly realized it wasn’t after they showed off some of the armories weapons, people rushed to the armory to get protection. Soon after chaos began and gang fights were common, it got so bad that you had to be in a gang to live. Soon a big gang battle went down by the reactor, one unlucky bomb placement and the reactor blew , everybody that wasn't in the blast radius died by the lethal radiation that come out of the reactor, the reactor still gives off low amounts of radiation. Of course there some ghouls left but they were killed by mole rats that smelt fresh meat. If you enter the vault you’ll find that those original mole rats mutated and become much stronger than your garden variety mole rat. If you go to Vault HQ you find out that they specifically overstocked the armory, and told the third generation to have lots of children.

Vault 147

Vault 147 is a vault that was under construction when the bombs fell, it was built for Operation Alamo. It would have been the biggest vault in Fallout History, it would’ve contained 100,000 people in five sections, all equipped with their own nuclear reactor, farms, water purification, and sewage. Only the first section is fully constructed and the second is partially constructed, all the other sections are large series of caves with construction material and robots spread out through it. You will find many rare items within the vault. Also you will found a group of malfunctioning robots that there kitchen appliances like ovens and microwaves. Due to the Nuclear shock wave the only three nuclear reactors constructed went into to meltdown are leaking low to high levels of radiation.


  • Deathclaw research facility.

  • San Antonio

  • San Antonia Crater

  • Depleted Uranium mine

  • Slaves Mine

  • Enclave Bunker

  • Austin

  • Capital

  • Power Armor construction Facility

  • Austin Nuclear Reactor

  • Dallas

  • Fort Hood

  • Abandoned San Antonio Brotherhood Outpost

  • Austin Capital Building

  • Summerdale

  • Vault 147

  • Vault 68

  • Vault 69

  • Cut Thrope

  • Boy Town

  • Vault 69 Refugee camp

  • El Salvador

  • Bulls Horn

  • Sunny Town

  • Jacksontown

  • Boom Town

  • Midway

  • San Antonio Memorial

  • Fallville

  • Houston

  • University of Austin

  • Fort Worth

  • Juluises Fort

  • San Antonio Munitions Bunker

  • vault 88

  • Sewer Point


  • Amazon

  • Johnny

  • Reddest Neck

  • Eagle Tactical Drone


Amazon is the top warrior of vault 68. After doing the quests for the leader of vault 68 he will allow her to become your companion. You later find out that her little brother died in an abortion, but after she hears the story of Boy Town. She asks you to help her look into it, you later find out that the people of vault 68 killed him. She will tell you to help her overthrow the government of vault 68. After you do this she’ll get plus 20% damage towards female enemies


Johnny is a super mutant, you can talk him into coming with you. You can find him in the Super Mutant Village. To gain his trust you must rescue the two super mutant that were captured by the rednecks. Once you do this he’ll become your companion. Once he kills 100 enemies he gets plus 20% melee speed.

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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:36 pm

I'm from Texas, and I'd rather see a Chicago, then New Orleans Fallout first (and in that order).

That said, good work, you clearly invested a ton of time putting it together.

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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:25 pm

Ideas for future games can be shared here: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1539832-fallout-5-speculation-ideas-suggestions/

And if you have fan-fiction ideas to share (which this amount of story might be seen as) use this forum: http://www.gamesas.com/forum/42-fallout-artwork-and-fan-fiction/

(and feel free to repost there)

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