so someone else gets to play before the rest of us? why?.. doesnt seem just and fair to me. nobody should be getting such a head start on a new title..
so someone else gets to play before the rest of us? why?.. doesnt seem just and fair to me. nobody should be getting such a head start on a new title..
Blame those stores that broke the release date by sending out and in some cases directly selling in store ahead of time over a week in advance.
I'm surprised there aren't penalties for selling stuff so far before the release date. Especially with the money gamesas spent on advertising with a specific release date.
Its the way of the world unfortuetly. I guess we can be happy this aint like the assassins creed series and then PC always has to wait 1-3 months before they get to play, in comparison to Consoles.
I always find it rather funny how we on PC always get treated like criminals and told that "PC pladform is full of pirates" while most of the time its console versions of a game that get released too early and thus pirated the quickest. There still seems to be this foolish notion among developers that consoles cant be pirated, well their wrong.
That said, i just avoid gamesites and leaks for now, since with these early releases there is bound to be alot of spoilers flying around.
There are suppose to be consequences for this sort of thing. If an employee of EB Games or Gamestop sold a copy early, both the store and the employee would be fined thousands of dollars, and the employee would be fired without discussion. I used to work for EB, and we always had to tell people why we couldn't sell them a game even a few hours early.
Someone will always get to play first. I guess just chill, and find something else to play and distract yourself in the meantime if possible!. I mean we've waited a hell of a long time already, whats an extra couple of days?
Report the streams that break street date to Twitch and to GStaff here via PM. You're not supposed to call attention to them in threads and stuff.
Their karma will be reduced
(or is that not a thing now? )
I guess the problem is, how do you trace which stores sold/shopped them out? Heck, I've read one article where the guy said the store wasn't giving out receipts because they weren't putting them through the system till next week.
The only technical solution is online activation for consoles or shipping absolut the last minute. But both are clearly not very desireable. It's simply the extreme secrecy from Bethesda about FO4 that makes it such a big deal.
Oh, I don't know.
This is pretty much exactly what the Skyrim forums looked like right before that game released: Pretty much nothing but threads about when people can activate the game, why some people got it earlier than others, and so on. I don't think that if Bethesda put out more information for Fallout 4 that we'd really be seeing any different reactions on this forum.
This, its unfortuetly the reality of this day. There will always be leaks, even if they somehow only print one copy and lock it up in mount doom or some foolish thing, there is bound to be leaked content somewhere, someday. Only thing we can do is avoid the spoilers, maybe locking ourselfs up in a room with now windows or computer, and wait for the game to come out.
Review copies. Do you think all these reviews appear from the thin air when the embargo is lifted? Especially for a massive game like FO4? Aside from that there could be a handful of console copies sold earlier than it should have been, but that's it.
A lot more consoles now then actually review copies (but one of them was very prominent because it was PC and he did stream often). At least what I could watch (only spoiled the early game for me).
I am pretty bummed at the leakage on this forum, by people that seem to just deliberately want to spoil the game. I am removing threads of the forum that start to have spoilers - I know some aren't trying to be particularly malicious, but I just want to squash any blatant spoilers for now. I am sure a spoiler forum will be up shortly.
It svcks that some people got the game quite a bit earlier, but some things are probably out of a publisher's control at a certain point, so the only thing they can do would be in the future, by not working with certain vendors or whatever. Who knows.
And yeah, as Nuc said -this was pretty much how the Skyrim forum was going just before release.
I wouldn't be surprised if most review copies were for consoles. Since Steam encryption hasn't been cracked yet (ever) to my best knowledge, if you see a PC streamer it's practically sure that he's a reviewer.
If not, then there's a change he got his copy earlier. It'd also nice to know if there's any change in the UI if one's playing with controller on PC (console buttons instead of arrows for dialogues and whatnot).
Beth should put the word out to all EB games and release the game a couple days early Come on.. pleeeease?
Won't happen. Some retailers haven't even got their hardcopies yet. That's the reason for a release date, to give a fair chance everyone to sell them. But some of these retailers think they don't have to care and if a big one does it (like in Germany and Austria: Mediamarkt) then the smaller ones have todo it too (if they want to have a business at all).
And yes I mention the black sheep publicly so that Bethesda knows who they should deal with (or not anymore ).