*Spoilers* Power Armor Speculation

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:49 pm

So, we've heard some confirmed mechanics for power armor

(Mechanic spoilers below)


  • It runs on fusion cores
  • these fusion cores run out after a time
  • You gain an increase in strength, rad resistance, and armor while in power armor
  • You can exit it whenever you want and it will stay where you exit it

However, I've yet to hear anything about what happens when it runs out of fusion core energy

I saw somewhere that it reads "You'll be unable to use V.A.T.S, Power Attacks, and will move slower"

So, based on this... can we confirm that Power Armor is viable even without Fusion Cores? Yes, you'll miss out on a few things, but you'll be a walking tank with the ability get out and snipe if you want. The only problem I see is the "move slower" aspect. How slow? Will it be like your overencumbered. If so, then I guess that throws my Power Armor build idea out the window.

Have any of you seen anything pertaining to when you run out of fusion cores? Also, if you're able to and the 'move slower' isn't that bad, would you consider using power armor all the time?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:17 pm

Depends on what you mean by 'viable'.

When you run out of fusion core energy, you move exactly as if you're encumbered - it's the same mechanic. I assume you also lose the 11 ST that wearing it normally grants you, but that's an assumption.

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