Any info out about the respawning system yet?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:54 pm

Hi guys, i'm curious if this game will have the old bethesda system of 3 days for enemies etc to repopulate or if it will use one like skyrim where it would take way longer depending on where you set foot in areas after clearing things out which kind of bugged me. Also anyone heard if enemies will respawn inside indoor areas this time? I remember in fallout 3 most of the time it was just outdoor respawns unless you modded it. Yeah i'm one of those guys that likes to have stuff to kill all the time and the ability to blast through dungeons multiple times once and a while haha.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:35 pm

Honestly we'll have to wait and see.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:56 pm

ol' rockmilk cave back in the oblivion days :tops: i sure do hope enemies respawn inside and out.... i'm with you, i would hate to run out of things for me to kill.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:42 pm

Yeah i'm sure they will respawn outdoors for sure. and obsidian choose to have them respawn indoors in new vegas so I could see it being possible this time around with bethesda back at the helm. I just hope they go back to the classic system of 3 ingame days though. Would also be sweet if spawns weren't static for once, like maybe have a group of raiders spawn in different areas with different numbers each time, or maybe have multiple spawn options making them ghouls or something different every time in areas that don't require it to be a certain type. Kind of like the witchers always roaming enemies.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:37 pm

So I'm not entirely sure how the Legendary Enemy system works, but I wanted to make a quick note of this as there may be some confusion based on things I've said in my other post.

It seems Legendary Enemies show up in one of two ways:

(DISCLAIMER: This is purely from observations of my own and could be 100% wrong)

A) Legendary Enemies can have static, fixed locations in key areas and will be a mandatory required kill in clearing areas. So, for example, if you loot a bunker base, the Leg enemy could be waiting for you in the final room and if you Save/Re-Load on death or w/e, he's still there waiting every time. He's not optional for clearing it and you'll always get to fight him.

B) In the wild, there are "random spawn" enemies that just appear in certain places, unpredictably. These enemies can be Legendary and the chance to find them scales with difficulty. In my experiences, these enemies DO NOT REMAIN on reloads, as it seems the "random spawn" enemies reset with each loading of the game world. I admit, I have not had an instance where I was able to save so close to a Leg Enemy as to immediately load and check this theory, but I can safely say I have died to Leg enemies, respawned, immediately gone back to fight that enemy and found they have vanished completely.

As far as A) goes though, I have some other observations on that too that could further modify this theory.

So sometimes when you go back to areas you've cleared, they'll be completely full again with enemies, and when this happens the containers and everything will also be re-filled with loot. This means the game is never truly empty of enemies and it's never "beaten" - you can always go back and re-complete mini dungeons. Now, when this happens, every enemy tied to a location is static. Every time you load/save, they are exactly where they were, if they're tied to the place you're at. This includes Legendary Enemies. So I'm not sure if they're static in that they'll ALWAYS be there the first time you engage a zone, or if they're just a "random" spawn in the pool of enemies you rolled when you showed up to that zone, or what.

My point is, Bunker X may have a Legendary Raider the first time you clear it 100% of the time, or it may not? I don't know for sure, but you WILL find Legendary enemies inside areas that can be fought multiple times.

I say this because I made a comment about how "Legendary Enemies are do or die, in that they won't be there when you respawn." This was meant to refer to the ones spawned by method B), and should not be confused with static enemies.

Also, I've received a lot of questions about "Do legendary enemies have special moves?" The answer is, sort of. Every now and then, you'll be fighting one and upon damaging it, if you don't kill it, it will pop up a message that says "Legendary Poopsmith has Mutated!" and suddenly they get this crazy aura around them and will now likely one shot you. I've always checked to see if they do any cool animations like grow extra hands or heads but it always just looks like this power aura. It seems to happen a lot when I use a Critical on one and don't kill it. But yes, this happens frequently and waaatch out, they wreck when this happens.

Anyhow, Difficulty may affect the static spawn chances or it may not, but from my experiences it DEFINITELY affects the open world random encounter Legendary chance.

Here is some info regarding respawning OP. Please be advised that there are very minor spoilers concerning legendary critters and the like in this. All of this info has not been thoroughly tested yet either.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:44 pm

Thanks for that link Finn, that sounds pretty awesome and has me even more hyped now. love that there can be random spawn enemies that aren't just encounters like bounty hunters etc from past games. Thats the one thing i wished previous bethesda games would have had lol.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:55 am

Oh yeah if you got that before I removed the add be very careful. You could see more than you want potentially. There are helpful folks but bad apples as well. I've been tiptoeing through the tulips to find non spoilerish gameplay mechanics for discussion. If you have any other questions just hit me up.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:40 pm

well in fallout 3 most indoor locations didn't spawn but in skyrim many of the indoor locations did respawn, not all but but a lot did, i'm hoping many of the indoor locations respawn just in case i go back in for something later, i hate when all the indoor locations stay empty, my guess is most of them will respawn after some point, as far as outdoor locations they'll prob all respawn basically and hopefully not always the same types of enemies

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:09 pm

Nah, didn't get spoiled at all. I'm pretty good at avoiding that stuff and don't mind any general gameplay/mechanics spoilers. But I have to say that info is great. I love all of beth's games since morrowind and i'm just glad fallout 4 appears to have some non static enemies for once, thats something I have thought would improve their games greatly for a very long time now.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:52 pm

Yeah. The only thing I am a tad disappointed in is no contract killer/lawman perks don't appear to be in this time around. I am hoping the guys that did those bounty mods make some more for F4. Maybe port them to console. I thought that system was pretty decent. I like the legendary weapons that drop from legendary guys I just hope you can mod them further. That is one thing I haven't been able to find out.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:00 pm

Ty for the share you guys just made me super hyped for the game :) I can't wait to hear everyone different experience.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:50 pm

Yeah thats the main reason I was curious actually, my pc is pretty below average now so i'm gonna be getting the console version to play till I can manage a huge upgrade and it's still not known what type of mods will be allowed exactly for consoles. so was wondering about the stuff I said not knowing if mods that affect respawns etc would be allowed in the future. I have a feeling it will be somewhat limited with microsofts iron fist regarding custom content on xbox haha.

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Tyler F
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:15 pm

Yes, everybody farmed it over and over, then complain that the dungeons in Oblivion looked the same :(

In Skyrim respawn was 30 days, ok except that it reset then you enter the zone, worse some update broke this

Why not have 30 days and 1-3 days away? So if you stay away for 30 days it will reset.

I you last visit day 27 it will reset at 30 but if you come back day 29 its set to 32

Keep it long but not reseting areas you are all the time.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:39 pm

A modder will hopefully make a faster respawns mod if vanilla is too slow, same as they did for Skyrim. I like feeling like my world is alive and random, and the Skyrim default 30 days respawn was way too slow for me.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:30 pm

Thank you. I was so tentative opening the spoiler but its the perfect type of minor spoiler, gameplay mechanics :D I have been very curious about this myself since I thought FO3 had a pretty decent 3-day rule while skyrim was lacking. Also lol @ 'legendary poopsmith has mutated'

EDIT: Tentative isn't spelt 'tenative'.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:15 pm

In the pip boy app there is a stat for locations cleared. I presume this to be cleared of enemies or perhaps cleared of loot?
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:45 pm

Yeah, I always preferred a 3 day re-spawn myself, just like I also enjoyed a slower time scale. I guess the 30 day rule helps stop farming. But heck, who cares, the game is single player!

But as long as it has indoor re-spawns this time I will be happy. :liplick:

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:30 am

Anyone have any idea as to why it was such a long interval in Skyrim? I had always suspected it was to avoid overclutter from dead guys and it was just a net cast over all ports of the game.

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Joey Bel
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:41 pm

If anything longer respawns made the dead guy clutter worse - it took a mod patch to fix that in the first place! Bethesda just left the dead guys sitting in the dungeons bogging down our save games for the whole 30 days.

The mod patch for Skyrim made it so dead guy clutter got released, so before we modded 3 day respawn and the bug fix for dead guys the clutter stayed in our save files a whole 30 wonder so many people kept ctd even when they were playing with no mods at all.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:11 am

Skyrim had to have different spawn rates depending on areas or creatures or something. It surely never took me 30 days to start seeing things again. Every single time I went to a homestead.. something attacked it. Every single time I went to a city.. Vampire attack!. I got so sick of respawns.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:35 pm

Those were pretty much scripted to happen often with those expansions and yeah it was super annoying. We are mainly just talking about general world enemies and dungeons. God forbid they do anything like the vampires killing whole towns again lmao.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:30 pm

lol thats funny

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:32 am

That's why I'm scared of building settlements. If attacks are scripted events based on when we enter or exit a zone or something.. It could be pure pandemonium. "Your settlement is under attack." "Another settlement is under attack." "That first settlement is under attack again." "Now it's happening at two settlements!" "Dogmeat is having puppies" "It's codsworth's Birthday" "Codsworth and dogmeat are under attack!" Just on and on and over and over.. That's pretty much my worst nightmare.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:10 pm

Yeah I know there are gonna be random raider attacks on settlements which is why you can build a ton of defensive and offensive units. I'm hoping they only happen when you are nearby and not far off exploring. I don't think i am even gonna try and have multiple settlements if thats the case and you have to run back or babysit crap constantly from across the map fast travel or not. Though I would miss out on the epic brahmin trading lol.

I just remember the horror of installing dawngaurd and having all towns slaughtered, every playthrough i'd blow through that story as fast as possible never going anywhere near a town so they wouldn't get owned before finishing it lol.

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