That is only for legendary enemies.. basically the higher the difficulty whenever enemies spawn there is a chance one of the enemies in the group will be a legendary enemy.
I didn't know that, that sounds totally cool! I heard we have 6 levels of difficulty, yet this is to be substantiated.
but is survival mode an extension of very hard or a seperate setting from whatever other difficult settings you pick, so in other words can you pick adept difficulty and survival mode
I might go survivor difficulty... I want the rare loot drops, and the legendary enemies.
So there is a survivor difficulty? I keep hearing mentions of it but nothing really concrete.
AFAIK, and from what I've heard yes. Don't take my word as official confirmation though, I don't have the game in my hands.
I don't like that. It throws off the balance of things too much. I'd rather the quality of enemies be affected than the quantity. If you're playing on Easy, it's far better to face weak enemies instead of just facing very few.
That doesn't appear to be the case. Survival mode looks to be the hardest difficulty.
That is wrong difficulty affects the number of legendary enemies.. not the number of total enemies.. the higher the difficulty the higher the chance that one of the enemies in a group will be legendary instead of a normal mob.
This is way better than just reducing player damage output and increasing enemy output. Using higher level enemies makes sense. Now let's just cross fingers they also use their environment better. Please no Point lookout buffed enemies.
I believe difficulty level also impacts mob health, hit point regen rate, and the rate at which stimpacks heal you - but, as I do not yet have the game, I could, of course, be wrong.
Yes, from what I have heard, they can be.