I just registered an account here to plead with Bethesda to place some moderators on the Steam forums for Fallout 4. The situation there has gone beyond ridiculous. Spoilers are being posted constantly and it a very malicious manner, with the title of the post being the spoiler so that the act of just going to the forum will lead users to seeing spoilers. People are being harassed and in some case even threatened. The Steam moderators refuse to do anything themselves, because they don't want to see the spoilers either. I personally know several people who were going to purchase the game but now no longer intend to do so because A. the game has been spoiled for them and B. their experience in those forums has been the complete opposite of what it should have been.
If it's a matter of being short on volunteers, I will volunteer right here and now to be a moderator on your steam forums.
Please, if you have any kind of regard and respect for your Steam users, please do something about those forums.