I haven't read more than the first page, but to say that FO4 "will get stale in a matter of months" is plain wrong. Skyrim released november 2011. Dragonborn DLC was released february 2013. Legendary edition was released june 2013. Personally (27 yrs old, console), I played Skyrim last week. Could be that Elder Scrolls have more replayability for me, but I also played NV alot, finishing the game and most DLC on three characters, and starting a couple more. On Skyrim I rarely finish, but have a lot (10+?) characters I play regularly.
As goes for the yearly releases (AC, CoD), I'd prefer either much more difference, or longer developement time. I like CoD, and do think every game is good on its own. But compared to their previous release, it gets a little ridicolous. As someone who enjoys their title, I think it's saying something that I haven't purchesed their last four releases... My point? Again, the games last for quite some time. Modding will surely add to the game, even if its released a year after initial release.
When I finish my masters degree and get a job, a gaming PC will surely be purchased. Up until that, I have no problem at all having a blast on console, playing games that are arguably better on PC. To me, it seems some PC gamers are afraid that gaming on console could get up to par, and want to talk people out of enjoying their experience on console. Some like to enjoy themselves, some enjoy themselves knowing they have it better than others. It seems.
Modding on console is, at worst, a negligable feature, and FO4 will stand on its own feet. At best it will revolutionice gaming on console. Most likely somewhere in between; creating a better experience on console, as well as longevity. Thats a win-win in my book.