I have an AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB graphics card, while the minimum specs call for an AMD Radeon 7870 2GB card. I've been assured that I can run the game, but I'm worried that when I go to install the game, it will do a system check and not allow me to install the game at all since I don't meet minimum specs. I'm probably just being weird and worrying over nothing, but I'm still new to PC gaming, so I'm wanting to be sure I will be able to actually install the game. As far as I'm aware, once I can get it installed I should be fine, but I want to make sure that I can actually get it installed in the first place. The fact is, while I have the money to buy the game twice if need be, I really shouldn't be dropping that much money at once, so I want to make sure that I can actually install the game before I drop money on the PC version later today. Am I worrying over nothing, or should I pick up the XB1 version instead?