Anyone Else Watching Their Tracking Information Like A Hawk?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:52 pm

I'm at work. At the time of writing this it 0845hrs local time. I've got an appointment after work, and then I'll have to get my daughter ready for bed. Realistically the earliest I can even consider installing the game today is going to be 2000hrs, and then it'll be the long wait for the obligatory download despite ordering a physical copy on PC. Chances are I won't even get to play the game itself until tomorrow at 2100hrs.

Despite the above facts I still find myself watching my tracking information. Pangs of excitement spread through my body with each update and change as I see the package go from the national distribution centre, to a nearby city, and then to my local post office ready for delivery.

Needless to say this is quite possibly the most excited I've been for a game since Skyrim.

Anyone else find themselves doing this, or similar?

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carrie roche
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:38 am

Mej Ill be too busy at work.

More interested in Black Friday Ads

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JD bernal
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:02 am

Amazon still hasn't gotten me my tracking info with the excuse that "It's a preorder item. It will ship after its released." sorry that's not what your support person said when I added 2 day delivery. And that also doesn't explain why your website says garunteed delivery by 8pm the 10th.
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Jamie Moysey
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