Sounds like Morrowind to me. I guess some things never change...
I can swear I saw a lot more dialogue options than just 4 choices in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Although some were repetitive like Someone In Particular.
i like the talking PC more than I thought I would, but the dialogue is pretty cheap. strange turn around for a game that had great writing generally.
The cruddy dialogue options are one thing, but what is inexcusable is that at least one NPC near the start of the game has dialogue which ignores things I've already told him. On multiple occasions. It's as if nothing I say matters.
Fallout 3 had terrible writing.
Fallout New Vegas - which wasn't Bethesda - had good writing.
If it's who I think you're talking about, that's deliberate on the part of that NPC. If you pass a charisma check with him, you'll understand why that is.
No, Fo3 had a terrible, shallow main quest with cliche factions and choices. The rest of the game was excellent in storytelling.
- - - - EDIT - - - -
But I will agree that FNV had better writing.
I'm kind of finding it hilarious that several of the Fallout 4 reviews have said something to the effect of:
"Fallout 4 has the BEST main story of ANY Bethesda game ... but that wasn't a high bar to clear."
But yeah, usually the best storytelling in Bethesda games is found in the sidequests.