Somehow i turned it on, and now im a running beacon of glowing green for the last 2 hours. The controls in game don't tell me how....
Somehow i turned it on, and now im a running beacon of glowing green for the last 2 hours. The controls in game don't tell me how....
You hold down your Pipboy button. If you are on PC, you hold down TAB.
Also, if you didn't know, your Pipboy light is whatever color you set your Pipboy screen to in the options menu. I set mine to an almost white, slightly yellowish green, and the flashlight is much more "complimentary" to the environment now. I can see natural colors instead of glowing green.
Sorry, my game got "DISK WRITE ERROR" from Steam after completing the dl so this is a guess as I haven't played: Have you tried holding down the button the brings up the PipBoy, that's how it was in FO3 anywho.
Yes! In the Options menu you actually have RGB sliders to create any of 16 million colors! And whatever you set-up also is the same color for your flashlight.
Hmmm, did not know this. Cheers. I have already changed my Pipboy screen colour but I had no idea it also affected the flashlight. Then again I've only used the flashlight once.
But also, did you know that if you change your Pipboy screen colour in the game then it changes to the same colour in the Pipboy phone/tablet app?