I got zero complaints about the graphics. In some places, walking around I stopped and went "...Did I black out and put on Bioshock Trinity by mistake...?"
I got zero complaints about the graphics. In some places, walking around I stopped and went "...Did I black out and put on Bioshock Trinity by mistake...?"
Not even close. Texture quality, perhapse, but model quality, object density, lighting, proper shadows, god rays, and wetness from rain, etc, I would love to see someone honestly try to argue a modded New Vegas looks better. You can get New Vegas looking good, yeah, but not better than fallout 4.
Fallout 4 looks AMAZING on PC, especially on 4K. It will only look better once those ENB mods are released.
I'm playing Fallout 4 on Xbox One. I am very impressed with how it looks. It is WAY better than Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Skyrim.
I know some have been trying to compare the graphics to The Witcher 3, but I think that's apples and oranges. Fallout 4, while offering third-person view, is a first-person game, with textures made specifically for first-person. Third-person textures almost always look better in open world games because the textures themselves are further away from the camera and not "zoomed in" as in first-person.
Overall, I am pleased with how Fallout 4 looks.
Huge step up from Skyrim. Not mindblowingly amazing, but still great!
FO4 graphics are considerably improved when compared to Skyrim. The faces, textures and various other objects do seem to be a bit more defined.
Overall I am satisfied with FO4 though there is a bug which needs to be remedied.
While I was in a basemant, my weapon, hand and arm disappeared. I could still see the crosshairs and shoot the target, the weapon nor my arm was visible.
As someone playing it console, the console vids don't do the actual game justice.
i completely agree
the game looks amazing.
i dont know wtf people are complaining about. lighting is very good in this game and adds massive amounts of atmosphere, especially indoors.
The game looks great. Yes there are a few broken textures and some low res, but you have to really look for it. What is the most important to me so far and what has impressed me is that this game has style. Lighting, music, colour palette, clothes etc. All these things contribute to giving the game an uniqueness. I am looking at Fallout 4 and i haven't seen anything quite like it, its a good thing. It doesn't suffer from the same identity crisis that FO3 did.
i agree
it does have a great art style to it.
the choice of colour palette and styling is spot on.
it reminds me a bit of the art direction that blizzard games take. they always seem to achieve a lot with minimum amount of assets.
I find the graphics looking pretty good. On medium settings (I only have a GTX 660) they can look quite stunning outside in the daylight, but sort of bland in low light conditions. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised as some of the leaked video footage had my expectations lowered.