» Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:09 am
I agree. I was initially very skeptical and have been an agitator for adding in certain things from New Vegas that didn't make it in, but Bethesda has amazed me again.
I was a little worried about all the "streamlining", but that is no longer a concern. I thought VATS was dead...wrong; its fully functional, and overall combat is far superior to previous entries. I thought Weapon mods were a gimmick, and I've already made a ton of them. I thought village building was a stupid idea, yet here I am rebuilding Sanctuary Hills...and having fun doing it.
Environments and assets = stellar! Loot = drooling. Story = cool. Dialogue = far beyond anything I expected. Killing a you-know-what with a you-know-what, while wearing you-know-what...all within an hour of game startup = f-in priceless!
Even though I miss some of the things I liked about past games, Bethesda, like they did with Skyrim, totally make up for it with something else that is a pleasant surprise and fun as all hell.
User scores and reviews...pffft. As if any of that matters, or is nearly as bad as the grognards wish...merely wishful thinking from Bethesda's adversaries. This game is going to sell a ton...and I don't think there's any doubt that CDPR, Bioware and Rockstar will be heading back to their respective drawing board wondering how Beth does it time and again...and you can bet their apostles will be grumbling all the while, pointing to any adversity they can scraqe up and will be ever argumentative and questioning as to how so many people love this game and "just shouldn't....because (insert) reason that doesn't apply to Bethesda games."
I'm a Bethesda critic and have to admit they killed it with FO4. This game is fun and I will be in it for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours.