Sanctuary Beds, Defense, Power and Water Problem.

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:43 pm


At the beginning I apologize for my broken English.

I have a problem with sanctuary, like on this two screen imgurDOTcom/a/q7lKK (i don't get ban for this link, did you? xD).
Like you see when I'm in sanctuary beds, defense, power and water is normal, but when I use a fast mode and will come to Pipboy it turns out that all the water was gone, only two beds, three power and 15 defense is still on sanctuary and new settlers no come. :sadvaultboy:

Sanktuarium - Sanctuary
Woda - Water
Obrona - Defense
Moc - Power
?รณ?ka - Beds

I have original retail version, with steam, lastets nvidia drivers and my computer meets the minimum requirements.
And I not use the beta update, mods and console in game.
Also i try to replace, beds, water pomps etc. But it did not work. Thanks!

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Chris Guerin
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