that moment when you pacify a deathclaw :D

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:27 pm

you forget about all the other times that perk failed you, and all the times you said it was useless, because your running around with your new best friend the death claw! all is forgiven!

I wish I could ride it though XD I had "best friend" going through my head and pretended we high fived after he eviscerated my enemies for me. those raiders rue the day they called me a coward!

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Kevin Jay
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:08 pm

Hmm...never tried that perk..sounds interesting
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JD bernal
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:49 pm

I didn't really think to bother with them too much either, I was over level 100 when I got em cause I'm finally getting to the point of grabbing all the perks I wanted now I can mess around.

they are sketchy about when they work as you have no idea if it IS going to work or not, and if your in sneak and fail they instantly find you, and it has kind of a short range.

so I started using them in a different priority. Sneak > Shootout > Pacify

If my cover is blown then I start trying, its fun when it works and there is actually a bunch of unique dialogue for all the individual creatures (the rad scorpion one was funny) my favorite so far is trying to grab deathclaws when I see them, or using it on raiders so I can line them up and execute them for there crimes :D

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