Kingsport Lighthouse is not clear, why?

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:36 am

My mission says I have to clear Kingsport Lighthouse to activate the workstation.

But everytime I attempt to do so, this happens:

I've searched the area thoroughly and can not find any enemies to fight.

Since this location is occupied by Child of Atom fanatics, their weapon of choice is not exactly subtle.

If there were any remaining, I'd have seen them by now.

So why is it telling me there are still enemies nearby?

I suspect it's referring to fragmines and other traps, there are/were a lot of them here.

It may be that I missed disarming one in my sweep.

I'm going back to get my enemy scanner power armor to do a more thorough check.

That is, if it can detect non-living explosive mines.

Edit: I think I figured it out,

There's a Glowing One locked inside the top of the lighthouse I didn't find before.

Crazy Atomites, using it as a lightbulb.......

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:14 am

Yup you figured it it out i had i missed that ghoul in the first pass as well, also a tip for fighting atomites Hazmat suit or PA renders gamma guns pretty much usless.

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:43 pm

I have a power armor especially configured to resist energy damage and used it here.

However, I think when a part of the suit gets damaged beyond repair, the radiation protection diminishes or goes away.
In this case, the leg got trashed somehow.

On another occasion, while I was visting the Glowing Sea, a pack of Radscoprions trashed an arm and leg, that weakened the suit.

I am starting to wonder what is the point of power armor if it breaks so easily.
Maybe when I get rank 4 Armorer, I can make it more durable.
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Bedford White
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:13 am

Gamma guns dont do energy dmg but radiation dmg that is why another one of my sugestions was hazmat suit, also about powerarmor you can basicly add hp to its parts by upgrading them

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Lynne Hinton
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