Question for romance Cait companion

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:21 am

Dear forum,

my companion is Cait and I got her friend quest recently (go to Vault 95...) but I didn't start yet.

Some play hours ago when I got the quest I already had Cait at "Cait idolizes you" and I had the dialogue options:

FLIRT which was yellow and failed


ROMANCE which was yellow too and failed too :(

Until now I played several hours and had the message "Cait likes that" very, very often but the dialogue options FLIRT or ROMANCE do not show up again.

Do I have to do the friend quest now to have a new FLIRT dialogue option?

Thanks :)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:48 pm

If you failed the romance check you should get it again after a while, try dissmising her to a settlment and travel around for few days/quests with somebody else by the time you get back and talk to her the romance option should pop again.

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sam westover
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:38 pm

Most of the flirting is pointless anyway as you can't romance her until you finish her ready for some charisma checks though so if your charisma is at like 1 or 2 you might want to get some bonuses going from clothes or forget about it. Also note that power armor neutralizes clothing charisma bonuses. I'm getting charisma bonus of +5 fro reginald's suit, glasses and hat and then I had the bright idea that if I paint a power armor to give me a charisma bonus I would then be at +6.......hahahahaha nope.....that reduced me to +1 from the armor and that's it as my clothes bonus no longer counted.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:57 am

Thanks for your answers....

I have charisma at 7 or 8 and Ladykiller on 2 - should be enough for next FLIRT dialogue :)

ok, then I have to try to dismiss her for a little bit and retry :(

but what if it does not return? Or is there an exact date when the dialogue returns? :)

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:40 am

Not sure exactly about timing but you will have to option to romance again if you completed her quest or immediately upon completion of her quest. Here's a hint though: you can save during dialogue and upon reload you will be exactly at the same point so save before hitting the charisma check and reload if you fail.

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