Just Paid $460.00 for F4 on PC....pissed? You Bet!

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:10 am

So, picked up my reserved copy of Fallout 4 today, $60 well spent for the anticipated hundreds of hours of play. However, the game actually cost me $460. WHY? Because NOWHERE on the box does it say that I would have to download 28 GIGS worth of additional data in order to actually play the game. See, up until 2 years ago, I have always had high speed cable, with no internet bandwidth caps to deal with. However, 2 years ago I finally achieved a life long dream of buying a farm when I retired, a farm far outside of high speed cable or even DSL connectivity. For those of us living in the "sticks", this means having to settle for SATELLITE internet, which not only costs 3-5 times what cable does, but you are also capped at (typically) 30 total gigs worth of usage a month.

That's right, I now have to pay $150.00 a month for a 3.5Mps line and have a measly 30 gigs TOTAL of bandwidth to use every month. Now, my wife still works, online, and uses 24-26 gigs worth of that bandwidth every month. That leaves us with just enough to catch news and such, not nearly enough to do any multiplayer gaming with however.

So, today, 3 days into our billing cycle, with 1.8 total gigs of our cap of 30 used, we go and pickup Fallout 4 for PC, a single player game. We get home, I pop it into the gaming rig, and hit the install button! WOOHOO right?


See, I come back 6 hours later to find that Steam has been downloading 28GIGS worth of game data. See, F4 for PC has next to NO actual game data on the disk. It essentially just has the installer info and little else. Nowhere here on this site, or the box does it say that it will require me to burn 28GIGS worth of my precious data at $10 a gig to install and play the game.

Now, with 26 days left in my billing cycle, I have to pay an additional $250.00 for the bandwidth the wife will need to work for the rest of the month.

Fallout 4 on PC = $60.00

28 gigs of install bandwidth used = $150.00

Purchasing an additional 25 gigs of bandwidth so my wife can have a job and we can eat @ $10.00 a gig =


So, I now get to play F4 for the low low cost of just $460.00

I wanna know who's bright idea it was to NOT include this information anywhere on the box, or at the least here at your site.

You owe me $400.00, and even IF I get that $, (which we all know I wont) I will NEVER buy another Bethesda game again.

You probably just lost your biggest fan.

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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:16 am

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Sarah Unwin
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