I don't usually like to complain about minor issues in games and making a game like this is a big enough job that I'd think it was churlish to harp on every bug or detail.
But on this occasion I can't contain myself: The fellow who voiced Preston Garvey (Jon Gentry) did a terrible job and he's a terrible actor.
He has a complete lack of patter (conversational rhythm). He ends sentences flat when they're clearly meant to incline upward. He speaks a period where there is a comma. He give lines of idiom as though he were a special needs ESL student. He stops and starts in a way that suggests every line is a surprise to him and he clearly never re-reads a damn thing to correct a stilted phrase.
Who was the director for his recording? How did they deem this acceptable? Were there no second takes? Or, by god, is this the level of quality he got to after trying really hard and improving?
Listening to Garvey talk is like teaching a teenager to drive stick-shift: you have go limp and relax your neck to avoid a hernia from the clumsy puttering.
It pains me to criticize the work of a fellow black man in such a visible role but this was bad enough that its almost insulting to my sense of social responsibility, there are so many skilled black voice actors and actors both famous and unknown who could've polished a stellar performance in fantastic AAA game but instead I'm hurt with the knowledge that this dog[censored] edged out something good.
I changed the way I play the game just to avoid having to listen to this terrible, embarrassing performance.
so... yeah, discuss that if you please... I'm just here to vent