I cannot for the life of me get out, and when i kill myself, it spawns me in the same place... Stuck....
I think i remember why i stopped playing fallout 3....
Bathesda, any solutions?
well... happened to 1 of my friend 50+ hrs into the game.. unortunately no solution... lucky if u have a earlier save.... my friend literally lauched the game out of the window man... feel sorry for u, i assume u are on console right?
If you're playing on PC, you can use the console to toggle clipping to get out (~ to bring up console, type tcl, ~ again to close the console, now you can move in any direction including the air, ~ to bring up the console once you're free, tcl again to re-enable clipping, ~ to close the console).
If you're playing on a console.... well, that's why the technical name for people who play bethesda games on consoles is 'dumb'. Too many bugs like this. You'll probably have to go back to an earlier save.
the solution would be very simple if the game didn't save the quicksave over the last quicksave, like creating various versions of the quicksave. Easy