At first I thought armor and upgrade system is amazing, but it was only a terrible illusion. We start with the vauilt suit we can upgrade - awesome. We can attach pieces to it - great, but why can't we upgrade other armors as well? I'm +40 hours in the game and the only things I'm able to upgrade are pieces and Vault Suit. Why this HORRIBLE limitation?
We have other armors, full body armors to be exacty, but we can't upgrade them? We can't upgrade clothes either. No words for this terrible choice.
I've found some nice looking armors, but they're terrible weak. Can't upgrade them, can't attach anything to them... so what's the point?
Bethesda, please add an option to upgrade them or attach pieces to them in one of your incoming patches. It would help a great deal and I finally wouldn't be sentenced to the vault suit for the whole game...