If it happens a lot while looking at your PIP, OP, well there is an option to zoom in a bit, so you mostly see the display of it.
Don't know if that gets rid of the sway, but I think it does. The button for that option on the PS4 is the touch-pad.
That's all I can give you. Cheers.
interesting. Explains the weird very small vertigo when looking at my pip boy. In the Army we have a driver vision enhancement screen for vehicle drivers. The center of the image moves faster than the edges. We call it "warp speed effect" I have a cast iron stomach and even get sick from it.
I forgot about that. I will have to try that out. I like diet Canadian Dry ginger ale, so will try that.
The FOV is 70, correct? What have some of you who get motion sickness set your FOV to? Some guides say 90.
Do you sprint a lot?
I found that going back and forth from sprint to any non sprint mode, makes the FOV change (the tunnel vision effect), and that can be very nauseating.
I haven't figured out how to turn it off yet, and can't figure out why it's been added in the first place. I don't need the feel of speed when sprinting. It's not like I'm doing 60 mph or more.